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Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:44 pm
by coalminer
I am sitting here 6 hrs into a spirit run. (20 pints 160p so far) I run my spirit runs real slow. So just thumbing through the threads. I am glad I took butch's advice on the 16g thumper. Like he stated, you can dump mash in the thumper also and double your stripping run, works great. Also noticed on this run, it is cooler outside and I bought some silver insulation at Ace hardware and decided to insulate everything. I started with the lyin arm and thumper and so forth. It made an immediate difference. I had to turn the heat back and it seems to run smoother with not as much fluctuation. Insulation is called reflectix, in case anybody is looking. Wraps around the kegs real good. It is about $15us. Thanks again for all of the help guys!

Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Antler24
Dangit I been here 4 yrs and ain't met none of the boys. You just stroll in and start hanging out. Geography sucks lol just kidding man, I've got the same kegs for boiler and thumper and love it, listen to the fill/drain advice, I wish I had. Your in good hands the boys will set ya straight!

Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:47 pm
by coalminer
Antler, I got real lucky. Couple real good guys in my area. I owe them a bunch!..... What part of the world are you in Antler?

Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:49 pm
by Truckinbutch
Coalminer works too many hours , like Spiritrundave , to spend much time here . They both taken this place to heart and are making a good drop . My help has been minimal .
I gave them water and they tooken root .

Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:11 pm
by coalminer
Hey Butch, Sorry I did not see you on earlier I would have said hi.(I need to pay more attention) It is now 2am and I am on 34 pints and only dropped to 140p. Maybe I will give you a call tomorrow evening.

Re: my first keg still, need your input

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:07 am
by Antler24
coalminer wrote:Antler, I got real lucky. Couple real good guys in my area. I owe them a bunch!..... What part of the world are you in Antler?
I'm up in Canada, far faaar east lol.