Issues left to complete:
- There were some thread seal issues on my water lines that leaked and I overtighted a water out line and subsequently had to re-solder a joint on the condenser. complete
- I need to clean up the solder work and re-seal the copper with ProtectaClear where the work was done.
- I'm not sure about the thermowell as it is today, temps really got away from me quickly but that could also be the smaller volume run with 11000 watts or my inexperience with my control panel and how to operate it properly. I'm researching thermal transfer silicon based paste for possibly filling the void between the RTD and the outside walls of the thermowell.
- The shiny copper dome got lots of water marks and some green spots that developed from the vinegar run, so I had to clean it real well and add 2 coats of ProtectaClear to keep it looking nice and make it easier to keep shiny. - complete
- Unfortunately, after the vinegar run the column was left on the boiler and not rinsed and dried out, It developed an alkaline blue layer to the entire column. So now I will be re-cleaning with a water/citric acid solution soak to get back the a clean copper surface in the inside, then do a full rinse with a follow up full steam of the column. - will do as a prep over the next day or so leading up to hopefully my last cleaning run this weekend
- I should be able to run a very timely sacrificial run of birdwatchers that started off at 20 brix and is currently at 12 brix today. I suspect it will be ready to run as my final sacrificial run on Saturday or Sunday with a swift steam run to follow.