Many thanks
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:41 pm

I built a 160cm column, 130 cm SS scrubbers, 25mm take off reducing down to 15mm. Using a 50l beer keg with a 2500W element. At present I have about 95% coming off on my first run. First 50ml cloudy and smelly, rest is coming off smelling pretty sweet at 1l/hr. Was going to use this as a practice run, have already done the vinegar/cheap wine runs so almost reluctant to throw this away (or use it for future cleaning runs).
Plan is to go for a neutral to start with, but I have a piece of 2" left so will more than likely build a setup for pot distilling.
Attached is a couple of photo's, hope they work OK, smallest I could get them on Picassa. 1/4" coil, used salt as recommended and managed this as my first attempt, not the prettiest, but works a treat. Liebig is crimped 15mm interior, 20mm outer and about 700mm long. A bit of overkill but who knows where the future lies

Anyway, hope anyone just starting out realizes that with the help on this site and the main site there are all the tools required to get started fairly quickly.