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Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:41 pm
by trial&error
and at the end of the month pumpkins will be cheap.

so anyone know a good recipe using pumpkins or if its even worth trying (taste wise)

chop it up and boil it down for an hr or 2 with some sugar. let cool, add yeast and vitamins ?

Re: Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:52 pm
by Godstilla
I think you'd be better off carving them... but that's just me.

Re: Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:25 am
by Tater

Re: Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:46 am
by Hutch-
Made some pumpkin wine a couple years ago, left it at that though mainly because the abv(14.5%) was to high for a good product IMO. Boil, bake, don't cook - lot's of different options, and they all seem to work. Baking made it easy to peel the skin, but if I had to do it again, I would leave the skin on. Especially if making likker, I doubt they leave much off flavor. The cooking and peeling is a lot of work when you consider that you have to clean and chop the pumpkins as well. There's not much sugar from the fruit, so you'll determine your abv from the sugar wash. Just be sure to add some acid, maybe a nutrient too.

Make sure to find good pie pumpkins, or the type of squash that's best for making pumpkin pies- hubbard(?) I think. Tastes more pumpkin than most pumpkin :D ...ans squash likker just don't sound as nice :wink: . I was told those funny lookin fairytale/cinderella pumpkins are go odtoo. They've got a lot of dark orange flesh compared to regular or even pie pumpkins. Regular pumpkins also have a bit of green/raw flavor, even when cooked, I don't care for that might come across in final product.

One final thought... if your get a good pie filling cheap after halloween or even wait till after thanksgiving, it will be much easier with just as tastie a product.

Re: Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:07 pm
by HookLine
Pumpkin pie. Mmm. :D

Re: Halloween is coming.....

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:50 pm
by AquaVitae
I did this last year and it turned out pretty well, we built abasket and loaded it pumpkin pie spice (bought it like that at the store, think it contained cinnamon, cloves allspices among other things) and ran thru with a brown sugar wash, it turned out a little overpowering but handled itself very nicely when added to some pumpkin pie coffee creamer