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What is the best water to use to start your wash?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:12 pm
by legalost
Wanted to find out some information on the best type of water to use for the wash. I have made a couple of sugar washes using rain, and spring water. Im a little leary of the rain water due to the air pollution we have today. Spring water worked great and it was free. I now have a friend working for a local water company. They have a filtered water product that has minerals added back to it after the filtration process. I can also increase the mineral content to best benifit my wash. Does anyone have any input on what water would provide me with the finest spirit.

Re: What is the best water to use to start your wash?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:27 pm
by Dnderhead
any good portable water is fine yeast does require some minerals, so distilled out.