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Gravity question

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:32 pm
by W.S.C.beachman
Ok so my UJSSM started out with a gravity of 1.07 and finished at 1.0. I looked to find some sort of equation for %alc. but did not see any thing. I know its there!!! The temp has been about 70 deg. consistently as well.
So whats the equation??
From what I see just bellow 10%..

Re: Gravity question

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:04 pm
by rad14701
~9.03% ABV according to the Alcohol Content calculator...

Re: Gravity question

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:13 pm
by W.S.C.beachman
Thats what I was FREAKIN looking for RAD!! Yous the man!! Is that a good Finnish? My air lock quit letting O2 out so I figure that is about as good as its going to get. There still is some bubbles coming up from the bottom, but I just want to run it any ways..Very minute they are!!

Re: Gravity question

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:25 pm
by astrangebrew
1.00 or lower - you are done. The best you will likely get is .990 but not all hygrometers read the same and there are correction charts for temperature.
A little experience observing the airlock will tell you when you are done.


Re: Gravity question

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:12 pm
by W.S.C.beachman
Cool thanks,
I did the run and it turned out pretty good. I saved 4 wine glasses 1/2 full of 65proof with a bit of heads/tails mixed with hearts. Chared up White oak, Bourbon chips, mesquite, hickory put them in to the there separate glasses will see what they taste like after a bit of chillen under the sink. I know it was just from sweet run, but had to do it any way. The rest of what I collected will go into 2nd run(sour run) as soon as my sour mash finishes up. OH my god I cant wait, I have slight A.D.D. LOL or A.D.H.D. and this is driving me crazy. I need like 10 fermenters and 2 or 3 more pots......:)