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Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:51 pm
by Nightforce
I hope this hasn't been covered in to much detail before. I searched for clean +still +how and it returned many common words. :(

I was wondering what the best method to clean a still was. I read the parent site and cleaned the boiler with a lye solution, then rinsed, then used my carboy brush to scrub it, then boiled water and rinsed again. It has a nice clean "metal" smell to it. For the column, I've run it first with water, then I've run 3 washes through it, rinsing with water after each. I recently switched out the packing to the copper gauze, so I installed the packing and poured ~2 gal. of very hot (140°F ish) vinegar water solution (2cups/gallon) through the column and rinsed. I then made a 2 gal. wash H2O with 4 cups vinegar) and ran the wash. A mild acetic acid condensate came out and continued to run until about ½ gal. was collected. Once the column cooled a bit I poured cool water through it to rinse. My column still has an odd smell I can't place which isn't the "smell" of copper, which I can recognize. Have I done something wrong during mfg. or is this a normal still smell? Also, would there be a better way to wash it. I don't have the tub cleaner mentioned in the parent site, but I do have some spic and span which I believe is a similar product.

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:17 pm
by MuleKicker
I just flush the bitch out with water right after running, while she's still hot. I dont like the idea of putting any chemicals into her, they can leave residue behind.

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:27 pm
by kiwistiller
I flush with water as well. recently I found that the turbulators / mesh inside my condenser were getting really scummy, so I took them out and soaked in a citric acid solution.

back in the bought still days, which was all together not long enough ago, the instructions said to soak everything in citric solution.

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:34 pm
by MuleKicker
hey kiwi, what does that acid do to the copper? does it make it shinny, or does it keep its petina? I have the same problem with mine, might have to try that.

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 5:42 pm
by blanikdog
I just flush with fresh water and haven't 'cleaned' my kettle for years and years, and I'm still normal. :roll:


Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:02 pm
by kiwistiller
Blanik, you're not normal, you're a legend :lol:

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:11 pm
by blanikdog
Gee, thanks Kiwi. :shock:


Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:14 pm
by big worm
i brush off the dough seal with hot slops then rince in clean water, thats it

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:34 am
by Ayay
Copper is so will change colour when you put on a fingerprint, when the dog pisses on it, when you put acid or base. I let it alone and rinse with hot water. It goes pink an black but if it stays after a wipe then the copper knows best.

An big worm is a legend :)

Re: Best method to clean a still.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:58 am
by Nightforce
I was thinking I might not have been able to get all the soldering flux out of the nooks and crannies in the still and was wondering if there was a good method to remove all traces of the flux. I'm still assuming that the wet box smell in my distillate is a direct result of the turbo wash and not that I still have some flux or other nasties in the column. I guess the next run will tell me more since its a nice smelling sugar wash using EC1118.