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Pot Still with a dual purpose tower
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:54 am
by purduebrew
I have a 8 Gallon Milk Can Still with 2” dual purpose tower from Mile Hi Distilling. I have done a number of Sugar Wash runs with the Still set up for Reflux. I'm now interested in learning how i would set it up as Pot Still. With the still in reflux mode I monitor the temperature from the top of the tower. Would the temperature monitoring be the same as in reflux mode?
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Pot Still with a dual purpose tower
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:05 pm
by Dnderhead
nope,, some use it as a guide, but the temp. will rize threwout the run, best cut by smell ,,taste and feel.
Re: Pot Still with a dual purpose tower
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:53 am
by purduebrew
Thanks Dnderhead
Since I have never run as a pot still what should I expect for Proof coming out? My reflux is consistently producing 180 proof. Also is there a minimum temp to start pulling to avoid the methanol. Or does any one have a general guideline for Head, Heart and Tails temps?
Also does anyone have any recommendations on a recipe to start with to run through a pot still.
Re: Pot Still with a dual purpose tower
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:42 pm
purduebrew wrote:Since I have never run as a pot still what should I expect for Proof coming out?
Depends how you run it. But a typical ABV might be about 35% on the first push. And the second might render 70% (plus or minus).
Those numbers make some newer reflux guys shutter with dissatisfaction I recon.
purduebrew wrote:Or does any one have a general guideline for Head, Heart and Tails temps?
And as discussed on at least one other occasion, wash composition will determine temps with a potstill run. You can look at the thermo if you feel like it, but you will have a difficult task trying to regulate temps with a potstill.
Bring it to temp quick by applying lots of input. When your column gets too hot to touch back off on the heat.
Allow for a pencil lead sized stream of discharge. Less heat better separation. More heat faster output.
Doing a series of rum batches is a good way to potstill.
The All Bran recipe is quick, dead simple and has a dern good carry over flavor.