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Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:44 pm
by nine2eight
Is there a minimum or maximum volume you should put through a reflux still depending on volume?
I mean if you have a 25lt boiler MUST you put 20+ ltr though it? or can you distill 5 ltrs? Does it matter or not?
What about a maximum? I assume SOME headspace must be needed due to pressure during heating? Is there an optimum level to have or is it irrelevant?
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:15 am
by goose eye
always keep it half full even if you gota add water really important you got a copper kettle.
ole boys have burned the botom out of one before an there dern sure wont no smile round the breakfast table that mornin.
wouldnt go moren 7/8 max dependin on shape of outfit. then start subtractin if you cookin fast if it aint dry if it one of them warshs that likes to foam an so on an so forth. if it do start to puke turn the wick down for a couple minutes let it clear. ever so slowly turn the wink up. all yall with ole time
outfits when it starts to puke thump the cap with your finger an remember that sound. when you turn the wick down an it clears thump the cap an remember that sound. by thumpin the cap you can tell if it gonna puke before it do an act acordinly.
so im tole
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:52 am
by rubber duck
I don't ever run at less then 1/3. As Goose said I like the bottom of my boiler.
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:45 am
by heynonny
Occasionally, I will experiment with flavorings etc, ( I once fermented out some 'Hungry Jack' pancake syrup that went off in the bottle, soon after purchase, a unique taste, to say the least), anyway, I have kept my first boiler, a 6 qt. ss pressure cooker. for small batches. Like the above folks, I like to run a relatively full boiler. (BTW,I found at the 'Salvation Army Store' a lid only for my pressure cooker for .25c, no pot. so I still have a working pressure cooker, and an 'artisan' boiler) -hey-
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:03 am
by Zxlork
So are you running that 6 qt SS pressure cooker at 5 quarts or 4?
I will be running RUM and Straight Sugar washes on my 22qt pot still with a worm...just wondering if I could get away filling it up to 20 qts. if I ran it slow or if I would need a thumper to run it at 20 qts (5 gallons runs are much easier to calculate).
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:03 pm
by Vodka_Master
I would leave some headspace on top, It is gonna foam up and get into your column. For a minimum, well that depends what your running and how much. If you have a heating element in your boiler you will need to make sure it is covered during the whole process.I have a 12 Gal boiler (use a water heater). Thats 45L, untill now i only ran 25L batches, but i wouldn't run more than 35L personaly, and not less than 25L, because its just a waist running less. If running second run, really have to watch out for the heating element, make sure to add enough water to keep liquid over the element at all times.
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:13 pm
by still_in
thats an awesome trick about the thumping, goose eye, but i suppose you would only need it if you didnt already leave enough headspace. neat.
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:09 am
by heynonny
Originally, I filled my 5 qt. unit about 4 1/2 - 5 qts, but I introduced a 'bulb' into the unit, and was able to fill the boiler right to the rim, 6 full quarts. When I went to a beer keg boiler, I left it on as it works wonders in stripping, I've not puked over once since I installed it. It is a (bottom) small bowl from a kitchen-aide food mixer and a (top) SS vase both fron Salvation Army store. including that 25c cooker lid. (I love that place). Beyond the still unit, (that UGLY copper thing) is my 100 gal. coolant tank. Above the succulent on the tank to the right, you might make out my keg boiler in its cooking location. (through the wrought iron). Tge black rubber on the horizontal part is there JUST to protect the threaded union attachment for the lyne arm. With that bulb and my (relatively) new 'allhin' condenser: ... =2&t=12059
I can run HARD and FAST, , , ,-HEY-
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:27 am
by Zxlork
Wow thats wild looking! But found out my container was Al today :/ so it seems the cheapest route for a keg is find someone to buy one and me pay them the deposit...only $30 deposit around here so...a lot cheaper than buying bowls or pots and tig welding them together.
Re: Boiler capacity to wash ratio?
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:16 pm
by Flydenrict
I know this is an old thread but one clarifying question in regards to the 1/3 minimum rule. Is this your initial charge, or do you never want less than 1/3 volume in there, even as your approaching the tails? I'm running on propane btw so no need to keep the heating elements covered. Thanks