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Amount of packing?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:24 am
by Byubuk
I have a Bokakob design that is about 48" high, not including the head, and is packed with copper mesh I bought from Mile Hi. My question is I think I have too much packing? I rolled up sections until they fit snug inside the column, and stacked them until I filled it up. every time I run this column to try to obtail reflux, the alcohil over flows out of the vent hole in the cap. Even when I adjust the take0off valve to get 3-5 drops a second, it still trys to come out of the vent hole. Any suggestions? Has anyone ever tried rolling the mesh longways and making one long peice of packing?

Re: Amount of packing?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:07 am
by myerfire
Yes, I do. The package of mesh said it was good for (I think) 36" of a 2" column. I laid the mesh out on the floor and then folded it so it was 36" long and then stuffed it into the column. Then measured how much more I needed and opened the 2nd. package of mesh, calculated how much I needed and added it to the column. Useing this method, I haven't had any problems.

Re: Amount of packing?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:13 am
by maritime
when i have that problem, i turn down the heat source. settles right down.
i feel the vapor speed was too fast to let the liquid fall past the plates.
i run a bob with 4' of packing. i lean towards vapor speed.

Re: Amount of packing?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:47 pm
by rad14701
1.) Too much heat input...
2.) You should be able to breathe through the packed column without difficulty...