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3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:36 am
by Intoxicated
Hi guys,
Currently 'distilling'.. I had a water pump handy that was 750L/PH and after finding that the water coming out the output nozzle is poor, I went to bunnings and bought the 3000L/PH pump. I knew the 750L/PH wouldn't do, but It was lying around, so I thought I would try before I buy a $80 pump. (Yeah, I'm cheap).
My problem is, there is only 2L/Min coming out of the output.. With the other pump I was getting 1L/Min. Is this normal? Or could there be an obstruction in my condenser?
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:27 am
by Austin Nichols
I would have thought 750L/ph would be plenty, I only use about 250 liters in a 4 hour run on my crappy reflux from a shop.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:35 am
by olddog
I run all of my stills on a 600lph aquarium pump, never had a problem.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:44 am
by Intoxicated
Oh.. Well there you go. I was only going by the instructions on the booklet.
I'm using another fermenter as a water vessel, probably 30Litres, please tell me this is enough?
With your pumps, how much water would you say comes out of your output nozzle on your still? I am just trying to figure out wether or not I should be concerned. I hope there is no problems.

Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:52 am
by Kentucky shinner
your liters per hour out of your condenser will depend on the diameter of your tubing in your condenser I believe. If you have .5 inch coming of your pump and you neck that down to .25 inch your gonna drop your liters per hour. My experience is it does not take allot of water to do the job though. I would try a run with it and see how it works for ya.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:13 am
by Intoxicated
I removed about 200mls of heads, and Its getting pretty cold. So I have decided I will let the still just run its course and see what I end up with. I am using a collection jug at the moment, 2Litres, and as the distillate trickles down the glass it looks oily. Is this fusel oils? The whole thing still smells like nail polish remover, and this whole first experience is going wrong in so many places. It's not like I haven't been reading up on everything, I've been researching distilling in a reflux for a while now. I just am at wits end. I don't want to drink it incase it contains methanol and a large amount of fusels.
I know this is newb, but can anyone offer some quick advice?
I forgot to also mention that the condenser reads 75c constant. I tried finding the chart on the parent site about what boils at which temp, but couldn't find it for the life of me. Spent a while to (not just today). I am hating this water pump. The 750 pump was giving me 100c, this one is giving me 75c. Can't win.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:30 am
by Austin Nichols
I'm only new to this too mate, have only run my still a dozen times or so now.
However, you need to back your cooling off a bit and try getting your still working at about 77 to 78 degrees, mine has a sweet spot at around 77.8c so that's where I run it.
How far below the rig is your pump? I had a few dramas when the pump had to push water up too far, it's a tiny pond pump that only does about 200L/ph but have no trouble anymore now that my rig and water container are at the same level.
I'd go back to the smaller pump with the still and water on the same level, I also have a valve on the inlet hose that is about a 1/3 open, it's just a shit thing that I got at Bunnings and really needs a bit more finesse to it but it's doing the job just ok.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:46 am
by Intoxicated
Thanks Al.
I might just finish this run and go to bunnings tomorrow. Maybe buy either a smaller pump or get the inlet valve you suggested. I think that valve is a great idea.
I've realised that the distillate isn't probably oily, as I can't see oil in the final product, I can just see it when it slids down the glass. Which being tired, it didn't occur to me that water does the same kind of thing.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:06 am
by Austin Nichols
The valve I got was about 5 bucks, it's one from the poly pipe section, I need one that's got a bit better adjustment to it so will go to an aquarium store next time I go into town.
Don't go buying another pump mate, just get a flow regulator (if your on tank water like me) and a valve of some sort on your inlet line and see how that goes cuz I reckon your 750L/ph pump will be more than enough.
I got my ideas about the regulator and valve from a post here somewhere, but I've read so much I cant remember where
Good luck
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:28 am
by Kentucky shinner
Hey bro I think you need to relax, you are doing fine. Learning to make cuts takes a few runs and more experience. Main thing is just be sure to throw away the first 250 ml or maybe even a little morel. After your run let the spirit air for a couple of days with coffee filter over the top. I think you will find the smell will really change. Also if you can let it set for about 2-4 weeks the flavor is much more to my likking.
Hang in there, you will get it.
Once the still is up to temperature, and the distillate has started dripping, make sure you throw away the first 50 mL per 20 L of wash, as this may contain any methanol that is present.
You should expect to collect the equivalent of approx 1L of 40% alcohol per kg of sugar used; the actual % purity will depend on the type of still you are using.
Stop collecting the distillate once you notice them containing some fusels, or if the temperature gets above about 94 oC (it doesn't become "dangerous" or "deadly", just that it tastes foul).
If you collect the distillate in small amounts (say 1/2 L or so), you can segregate the drinkable spirit from that with fusels in; the latter can be added to the next wash, and be collected cleanly then.
"Genuine" whiskey can be made by passing a grain wash through a pot still twice.
The alcohols in the wash begin to vapourise from the wash around specific temperatures. If by themselves they would be ...
Acetone 56.5C (134F)
Methanol (wood alcohol) 64C (147F)
Ethyl acetate 77.1C (171F)
Ethanol 78C (172F)
2-Propanol (rubbing alcohol) 82C (180F)
1-Propanol 97C (207F)
Water 100C (212F)
Butanol 116C (241F)
Amyl alcohol 137.8C (280F)
Furfural 161C (322F)
Once together, a mixture of several of them will be slightly different however. You no longer get them coming off seperately, but always as a mixture. Fortunately for us though, each of the species will tend to dominate around its boiling point temperature, thus we know whats "mostly" coming off at that point. By tracking the temperature of the vapour, you have a fairly good idea when you're collecting the
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:29 am
by Intoxicated
I've gone back to a 750L/PH pump. And it has a variable switch which is on it's lowest setting. No matter what I do it cools at 75'.
Is 75.8'C good enough? This is using a thermometer in the condensor head. (Pure Distilling unit).
Can I get away with this? I'm pretty sure Bunnings is getting tired of seeing me.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:53 am
by Kentucky shinner
Are you measuring the vapor temp? If your measuring vapor temp I think you will be fine with that.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:33 am
by rad14701
If you are getting 75 degree water out of your condenser then you have more than enough cooling capacity... You only need enough coolant flow to knock down 100% of the vapor rising up the column, with just a little extra to account for the additional work load as the run progresses and the alcohol content decreases and water content increases... I run my reflux columns coolant flow at a rate that keeps the temperature at the condenser outlet between 80F - 120F and never have issues with knocking down 100% of the vapor...
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:56 am
by Intoxicated
I have no problem condensing the vapours. I have collected distillate at a steady rate, but haven't been game to drink it thinking that it would be poisoned.
I was measuring my vapour temperature (digital therm. in the side of the condenser head near the valve).
I'm relieved, yet slightly frustrated, to hear this. Three nights and many trips to bunnings has gotten me quite frustrated. I haven't even distilled the whole batch.
Thank you guys.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:59 pm
by rad14701
this the unit you are referring to, Intoxicated...???
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:33 pm
by Intoxicated
rad14701 wrote:Is
this the unit you are referring to, Intoxicated...???
Sure is.
Re: 3000L/PH PUMP poor circulation?
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:03 pm
by olddog