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Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:57 am
by sudsy
Ok where do i begin, it has been an adventure tracing everything and getting it all together but well worth it it seems i just thought i'd post my progress thus far as i'm pleased as punch,
my sprinkle makes to about 1 tsp***
sprinkle dap
sprinkle citric acid
3 tbls yeast (lowens brand)
pinch epson salt
1kg suger to 5ltr water (thanks olddog) now my rule of thumb...
1 part elbow grease and tlc...

so far so great.... i'm by n means stealing the wineo's thread i just couldn't find distillers yeast and have been told ec 1118 kills any other yeast introduce with it (i have a few spare packets incase ferment sticks)
anyway i think i could improve in testing ph next time i know from expirience where i live the ph from tap water is around 8 other than that compared to turbos i have used in the past, NO vinegar smell actually i cant smell much at all, will update in about a week the gravity etc i don't want to disturb its peacefulness atm but boy am i having a good time whilest doing , greets to you all and safe um, swilling :)

Re: Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:36 am
by leiothrix
what is the alkalinity/hardness of your water?

pH doesn't really mean much without it.

in australia we tend to have much softer water than in much of the US. If I put acid in mine part way into the ferment i'd get a pH of about 2 and a nice stalled ferment.

Instead of acid I add a table spoon of calcium carbonate. It's only sparingly solulable in neutral/basic water, but soluable enough in acidic water to be a decent buffer.

Re: Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:38 am
by leiothrix
Oh - the ec1118 is fine too. That's what I use for mine.

I think the only thing baking yeast has for it is price. ec1118 is fairly neutral and very tough. you can get 500g bricks of it too for ~$30

Re: Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:27 am
by sudsy
yea i just added some baking soda to my wash and it cranked up a little faster, probably added around a tsp leveled, you should honestly try an all bran wash, i just started one now, (got me a spare fermenter from the paper :p) it took off like a rocket and looks very promising , i'm not so sure about the hardness or alkalinity i would have to buy a test kit but i'm sure it couldn't hurt to know

one pack small all bran 340g
12 leveled tablespoons of lowens yeast
21 cups sugar

i blended all bran in food processor i didn't take the sg but i don't mind, this wash saves me on dap,and citric acid, and a trip to the brew shop as i can get everything from iga :) happy swillin...

Re: Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:48 am
by rad14701
That ~11.7% ABV All Bran wash should ferment to dry fairly quickly... Don't be surprised if it is done in ~3 days, or less...

Re: Wineos sugar wash first (Oz Style)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:43 pm
by sudsy
i noticed that, its very fast, my other batch is going very slow being from dessert wine to table in a couple of days, but it's getting their slowly i doubt i'll tell the difference in each as i'm running them both through a reflux (to bad i really wouldn't mind trying their finished tastes, but so far i'm a pig in shit, i cant' help but be a little apprehensive as my only other washes have been turbo's so i look forward to a nice surprise :)

ps:just an update on the all bran, i just tested it now and i started it last evening around 21 hours ago, and its already at 1.050 i by no means an expert but i'd say this would finish in about 42 hours give or take