Everclear in California for absinthe

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Everclear in California for absinthe

Post by Guest »

Trying to whip up a amall batch of absinthe here in California. 2 or 3 liters, test batch. Rather then make my own high test alcohol for the maceration, I was going to buy some everclear... but I can't find it anywhere.

Is it really illegal in California? If so, what should I use? Or do I need to crank out some high test hooch?
Swill Maker
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Post by KatoFong »

Yep. Seems to be illegal in California.

There's a couple of things you can do: 1) You can drive to Nevada and buy a case of it there. 2) You can get a friend from another state to bring you some. 3) If there's a decent Slavic population where you live, you might be able to find a liquor store that carries a product called spirytus, which is more or less just Everclear with a different name (it's ocassionally slips under the radar), or 4) You can make your own.
Swill Maker
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Post by Pieterpost »

I would be very carefull with something called: spirytus

We have something in the stores which is called spiritus (the same?) and what that is --> ethanol whereto methanol has been added to make it undrinkable. Also they added a colour to it (blue) to make it recognizable.

Apparently there are homeless people who drink this stuff. It will get you drunk but at what price and not even talking about the taste ...
Swill Maker
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Post by KatoFong »

Not the same stuff, at all, Pieter. The Spirytus I'm talking about is clear, is 75-95% pure alcohol, and is perfectly drinkable. It comes in plain bottles marked "Spirytus" or "spirytus rektyfikowany" (recitifed spirits). It's a traditional Polish drink, or so I am told by the Polish people I've talked to where I live. See this article on the stuff for more info:


I'm not sure what the stuff you're talking about is. I've never seen anything but the pure rectified spirits in liquor stores. But I suppose it's good to be careful. So don't use anything blue in making absinthe...
Swill Maker
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Post by LeftLaneCruiser »

The 'spiritus' Pieter means is denatured alcohol. Used for cleaning purposes and in burners.

NOT cool for drinking.


Post by starch »

Everclear is not illegal in CA. I can get it all over town.

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