My first try at a pot still

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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My first try at a pot still

Post by britincali »

My friend had 5 4 gal buckets of grapes and wanted to make wine, I said screw the wine lets make real booze. I go on vacation for 5 weeks and tell him to start fermening on week 3 and Ill have a rough still made up the day I get back.

After 3 hrs or so studying online I come up with this (after travelling for 30 hours and jetlagged) Trip to home depot and $25 later...




After trying it out on a bottle of $3 wine ...


I get this....


I now realise 3 things, 1. My buddy aint answering his phone, 2. My boiler is to small, 3. Im hooked....

After finally getting hold of him I find out hes ruined the grapes and they are now nothing more than 3 buckets of slimey vinegary mould. I say screw him and make a bannana mash with 6 banannas 1lb sugar 1 bottle of corn sugar and some yeast (what I had in the cupbard) and a new boiler....


Ive since run 4 washes through it and quite honestly have produced some rather potent nice drinking shit, the latest was a 12 gal cornmeal wash that after running through twice produced 3L of rather strong nice moonshine!!!!

I want to admit that since my first $3 wine run Ive become a complete addict on this site and now have a wife that thinks im having and internet love affair (which in reality I am but its with stillin not pussy :) )

I want to thank all the pro's on here that with their knowlage have stopped me poisening myself and have got me completely hooked on this new most awsome of hobbies!!!!!!

My new boiler
Last edited by britincali on Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My first try at a pot still

Post by catburgler »

Hi Dude
I know the feeling well, i started a few months ago and im the same, its a fantastic Hobby because you get to build man stuff and also get payback with booze. Its great. My local store thinks im turning into a Fly cos im buying so much sugar! Her indoors is a bit miffed cos when i first started i was converting everything i could find in the house to turn into a still, Our big cooking pot has got a big hole in the lid now. and it seems the copper piping for that new radiator has gone missing!
I got a few Bro's coming round tonight to sample my latest Batch.
To the good times. Cheers
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Re: My first try at a pot still

Post by dag_nabberit »

When you start out small it don't take long to realize you just gotta go bigger. Did the same thing myself.
still crazy
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Re: My first try at a pot still

Post by still crazy »

I just can't figure out how you get that sideways flow into your collection jar ???
You are going to be such a happy camper <<<<
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Re: My first try at a pot still

Post by Samohon »

Yep, just cant think of any better hobby... Its got me hook, line and liebig condenser... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a good friend who is a seasoned vodka drinker, he still cant believe we can make this shine ourselves...

Have fun and stay safe man... Dont SELL and dont TELL, keeps the dobbers dobbing on someone else... :twisted: :twisted:
♦♦ Samohon ♦♦

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Re: My first try at a pot still

Post by CUwithSNSB »

ah... see... WELCOME to the "FuN" site on the web !!! I just finished running 4L of really cheap wine thru my "lil" still..... man it's good !!! I ended up with little more than a quart of really strong "stuff" LoL.... I added some sugar to the boiler remains, tossed in a vitamin B complex and a Vitamin C tab, until the SG was/is 1.100.... I'll let it cool and then add some wine yeast try to ferment 'er out a little and run it thru the still !!! next I'll have to get an "alco-meter" and I'm gonna have to modify the still to produce flavors... this is my second run of neutrals.... don't get me wrong, I like the neutrals I'm making, but I've No idea how "potent" it is ..... I know mixin 'er with fruit juices make it really scruptious !!!

have fun, stay safe .. and try to "keep it on the 'down-low' "

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