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My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:16 am
by SwineOnShine
Just set up my new pot still. Run a vineger run through it today, will follow with an alcohol run soon. First real run will be a UJSM run. She's tight, no leaks, and I'm ready to go! Here's pics from my cleaning run with a vinager/water mix.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:02 am
by 0re0
nice little pot still.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:22 am
by Ayay
Very nice! You done your homework and I see a parrot waiting on the table. Only question, are you circulating the cooling water? There may be enough cooling capacity in the tub and you will find out anyway.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:47 am
by SwineOnShine
Thanks for the compliments!
Ayay...yep, I'm not 100% on the colling water yet...I have a plan to circulate it if necessary. She held up pretty well during the vinager/water run...distillate stayed cold until the end when she heated up a bit. Like you say, I'll find out for sure when I do a alcohol cleaning run. Good eye! I just need to add a stand for the parrot and she'll be ready too.
rockchucker22...yep, sheet copper for the cone section. I was playin' around. I like the way it looks...would've made it longer if I had more sheet, though.
Well, I'm off for another cleaning run. Got my UJSM started last night while watching the Hogs pummel south carolina. Woo Pig Sooie!
Re: My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:28 am
by Smokehouse Shiner
Nice work Swine. That little beauty will make lots of good shine in its day, Im sure. The Hogs have got hands down, the most decicated fans around. Trust me,I know.

Re: My new pot
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:54 am
by WalkingWolf
Nice rig you built there SOS -- You ought to get plenty of good liquor from that rig.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:19 am
by goose eye
how can yall tell that charge most likely aint likker cookin from that picture?
you gonna be dipin water? how the hot getin gone
so im tole
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:20 am
by submdi
That is nice!
I would love to get my hands on a stainless milk pail like that. Can I ask where you got it?
and if any aussies know where we can get them in Aust?
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:46 am
by SwineOnShine
goose eye wrote:how can yall tell that charge most likely aint likker cookin from that picture?
you gonna be dipin water? how the hot getin gone
so im tole
Yep, that was a vinager and water mix, alright. It cleared out some black nasty stuff.
As to the worm and bucket...I *think* that volume of water *should* keep her cold for the whole run. I'm gonna put in a few fittings so I can add cold water to the bottom and take off the hot at the top, just in case, but she held up good when I did the alcohol cleaning run the other day. That's damn cold well water around that 5/8" worm. When I did the 2nd cleaning run it came out at 130 proof and I shut her down when she went to below 20 proof. Distillate stayed cold the whole time, but that was only about 4 gallon wash. Normal runs would be around 6 gallons. The top got damn hot, but still had about 4" of cold in the bottom of the bucket.
submdi - Several places sell stainless milk pails like mine or similar. Not sure if they ship down under, though, and what the costs would be. Google for "stainless milkcan" and you should find several options, and you can sometimes find them on ebay. They are not cheap, but they are are pretty to look at.

They're also nice if you don't want something as big as a beer keg, although I've seen them that hold up to 13 gallons.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:05 pm
by goose eye
swine yup i no it what you said but what would of been diferent in that 1 picture if it be likker
-was just tryin to school you- aint important
so im tole
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:27 pm
by SwineOnShine
goose eye wrote:swine yup i no it what you said but what would of been diferent in that 1 picture if it be likker
-was just tryin to school you- aint important
so im tole
well, I'm not sure, I know it would've smelled a whole lot better, that's for sure! When I did the 2nd cleaning run, with alcohol, the stream didn't shoot out so far, it just sorta fell out the end. Of course, I was running it slower then, too. What would be the tip off?
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:30 pm
by MashMan
goose eye wrote:swine yup i no it what you said but what would of been diferent in that 1 picture if it be likker
-was just tryin to school you- aint important
so im tole
you wouldnt be seein them water drops in the funnel eh goose
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:35 pm
by SwineOnShine
MashMan wrote:goose eye wrote:swine yup i no it what you said but what would of been diferent in that 1 picture if it be likker
-was just tryin to school you- aint important
so im tole
you wouldnt be seein them water drops in the funnel eh goose
You folks have keen eyes.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:10 pm
by goose eye
yup an likker twists.
you look at that beaker. you cant go by that cause hi proof likker aint gonna bead runin all the time.
if you listen close you can hear it changein over. likker dont sound the same like water hitin the likker barel.
you hear water changein over an you right at or mity close to backins an that aint a good thang if yall is horsein around an your pa is watchin
so im tole
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:18 pm
Never knew mine.
But my maw would make us pick our own switches and whup us twice as long if we didn't pick a worthy switch.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:20 pm
by Smokehouse Shiner
You can bet Ill be spendin my next run with the stereo off and my ear next to the jar. Thanks Goose
Re: My new pot
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:41 am
by SwineOnShine
Smokehouse Shiner wrote:You can bet Ill be spendin my next run with the stereo off and my ear next to the jar. Thanks Goose
Same here. I'm gonna start payin' more attention to the little details.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:15 am
by bship
Hey Swine, Did you use any formula for head size, height or the length, size of the extension or did you just build with what you had ?
Nice job btw, how has it been running ?
Cheers, bship
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:11 am
by Halfbaked
Real nice!
Re: My new pot
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:40 pm
by pfshine
This guy hasn't been on for more than a year. dont think your gonna get an answer.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:32 am
by bship
Ok, thanks pf
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:56 am
by SwineOnShine
bship wrote:Hey Swine, Did you use any formula for head size, height or the length, size of the extension or did you just build with what you had ?
Nice job btw, how has it been running ?
Cheers, bship
No formula used, just eyeballed it based on what I've seen and been told, and read on this site. Made the top out of what I had or could get easy and cheap...fittings and a little copper sheet. You could do the same with just fittings. I've made some very fine UJSSM and single malt whiskey with this rig. Also used a keg boiler with the same head for the same stuff.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:09 am
by SwineOnShine
pfshine wrote:This guy hasn't been on for more than a year. dont think your gonna get an answer.
I ain't dead yet, lol! Things change, then they get better. About to set up and run some pear brandy with this very same head, although with leibig instead of the worm and bucket. That'll be a change.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:35 am
bship wrote:Hey Swine, Did you use any formula for head size, height or the length, size of the extension or did you just build with what you had ?
Nice job btw, how has it been running ?
Cheers, bship
Most here build with what they have or to make as user friendly for their work space as possible.
And/ or then try to find a way to factor in collection speed and quality of separation. The last bit usually gets factored after the end user acquires a ppint of view.
Re: My new pot
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:26 pm
by RCecv711
Like your build ,
It looks like a clean simple build
I think I'll look into trying to copy your
Idea. I found this place it looks to be similar to your pot as far as clamp style lid ... -cans.html" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow