coco rum
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:22 am
Hi I have been making my own coconut milk for breakfast smoothies and the like. As a result I had to plates with the gorund up flesh of two coconuts sat in the fridge. As result of the process of squeezing out the coconut to make milk most of the fat has also gone. Also after about a week in the fridge if its spread out thin across a plate the dry air of the fridge drys out the coconut.
I have been tossing it on salads and it still holds some flavour so i got to thinking.
I found a recipe for coconut wine and adapted it to add to a rum wash. Heres what I did.
Boiled some water (enough to well cover rice) and added around 500g of white rice and boiled for a further 3-4 minutes then strained the water into another pan containing the dried coconut. I then boiled the coconut for around 15- 20 minutes and poured into the bottom of my fermenter along with 5 litres of rum dunder (from previous pugi rum 2nd gen). I left this mixture to cool and then skimed off the remaining solidified oil deposits from the coconut ( there was very little).
I then took ten small tins of fancy molasses around 4.5 kilos in weight or three litres and brought it to the boil in a large pan added the juice of one lemon and then poured it into the fermenter along with the coconut mixture. I also added around 5 or 6 teaspoons of boiled yeast with aound 6 teaspoons of 20.20.20 a 1/4 teaspoon epsom salts and a vitamin B complex tablet. Topped up with cold water to around 27 litres.
I waited till the mixture hit around 30c and pitched in around a 100g of brewers yeast.
Although I know you can't get an acurate reading with molasses it measured between 1.070 and 1.060
It seems to be going great guns this morning so am keen to see if any different flavours carry over.
If you aren't sure how to make coconut milk to leave you with the coconut flesh its simple. Drain the coconut water out of the coconuts (usually do two at a time) into a blender (check its sweet as sometime you can get one thats off). Then extract all off the flesh from the coconuts cut into small pieces and gradually add to the blender as you blend adding water as neccessary. When its all blended nicely strain and squeeze as much the liquid as is possible out of the coconut mixture using mesh bag (used in jam making etc) or muslin.
Put the milk into the fridge and use as you want its delicious. Then spread out the coconut flesh thinly onto plates and put into the fridge and leave to dry out (around a week or so). Simple.
Will let you know how it turns out.
All the best S H
I have been tossing it on salads and it still holds some flavour so i got to thinking.
I found a recipe for coconut wine and adapted it to add to a rum wash. Heres what I did.
Boiled some water (enough to well cover rice) and added around 500g of white rice and boiled for a further 3-4 minutes then strained the water into another pan containing the dried coconut. I then boiled the coconut for around 15- 20 minutes and poured into the bottom of my fermenter along with 5 litres of rum dunder (from previous pugi rum 2nd gen). I left this mixture to cool and then skimed off the remaining solidified oil deposits from the coconut ( there was very little).
I then took ten small tins of fancy molasses around 4.5 kilos in weight or three litres and brought it to the boil in a large pan added the juice of one lemon and then poured it into the fermenter along with the coconut mixture. I also added around 5 or 6 teaspoons of boiled yeast with aound 6 teaspoons of 20.20.20 a 1/4 teaspoon epsom salts and a vitamin B complex tablet. Topped up with cold water to around 27 litres.
I waited till the mixture hit around 30c and pitched in around a 100g of brewers yeast.
Although I know you can't get an acurate reading with molasses it measured between 1.070 and 1.060
It seems to be going great guns this morning so am keen to see if any different flavours carry over.
If you aren't sure how to make coconut milk to leave you with the coconut flesh its simple. Drain the coconut water out of the coconuts (usually do two at a time) into a blender (check its sweet as sometime you can get one thats off). Then extract all off the flesh from the coconuts cut into small pieces and gradually add to the blender as you blend adding water as neccessary. When its all blended nicely strain and squeeze as much the liquid as is possible out of the coconut mixture using mesh bag (used in jam making etc) or muslin.
Put the milk into the fridge and use as you want its delicious. Then spread out the coconut flesh thinly onto plates and put into the fridge and leave to dry out (around a week or so). Simple.
Will let you know how it turns out.
All the best S H