BFC introducing himself

New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:43 pm
Location: Werribee district

BFC introducing himself

Post by BFC »

Hello to anyone reading this. I'm new to talking on line ,so please be patient with me. I'm a 54 y.o. fitter who for 20 years was a full mash brewer but gave that away when diagnosed with diabetes. Bummer for a beer lover. I've made a lot of pot stills for ethnic friends over the years, but never looked at it for myself until this year. Finally got off my behind , knocked up a small still quickly, distilled some blackberry wine my son in law made. Worked well, drank well. Followed some dodgy advice and made a strong beer from two kits. Distilled it.What a dud! Hop bitterness carried over. Made a plum brandy with prunes.You beauty! Slivovitz. Haven't looked back. Made a bigger still, decent condenser. I'll post photos when I've taught myself how to. I come from Australia, Werribee in Victoria actually, won't say more because moonshine is not legal here. Sorry if I've said too much/not enough.
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:10 am
Location: oz

Re: BFC introducing himself

Post by Grumpy »

g'day and welcome, look forward to seeing a few pics when you have it sorted
good to see another bloke from oz join the forum
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