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Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:47 am
by coctailgirl
Some drink it to get drunk, some drink it to get sober

So let's see everything about Bloody Mary.
Why a Home Distiller Should Know Bloody Mary?
Bloody Mary is made with vodka, which nearly all of us distill. While drinking your hard work, why not make it more tasty and attractive?
Bloody Mary was found by a barmen in New York in late 20's. Later it became one of the most popular coctails in time. There are about 20-25 different Bloody Mary recipes, so the argument of which one is the real is quite useless. Each of them has a different taste so whatever suits your joy is fine. You can even create your version
1 jigger vodka
Tomato juice
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Tabasco (to taste)
Worcestershire sauce (to taste)
Salt, pepper (to taste)
1 celery stick
1 lemon wedge
Put the a cube of ice into the shaker. Add the ingredients. Close the shaker carefully. Shake with full power until the ice melts (by that I mean the sound of ice should disappear.) Take a tall glass, put regular ice cubes into it. Add the mixture to glass. Then put the celery stick and the lemon wegde into the glass.
- Always follow this order. İce, salt, pepper, tabasco, worcestershire sauce, vodka, tomato juice.
- For garnish cherry and tomato and cucumber are very delicious too!
- Be sure you add the Tabasco sauce 1-2 drips only unless you're not Mexican.
The legends of Bloody Mary
There is a common saying that Bloody Mary helps to become sober in the morning after one of those crazy nights. I had this experiment on my friends. Some did get sober, however some got even more drunk and puked on me so beware!
If the terms like jigger, shaker and other stuff is unfamiliar to you check my topic "Basic İnformation About Coctails" ... 0#p6872610
Enjoy & Drink Responsibly
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:32 pm
by Mr.Spooky
its always sounded pretty good until the mention of tomato juice,,, then i just think about V8 and my grandmother.
here recientally my tastes have been turning so maby ill give it a go.. ,, iv got some habanero hooch thats just waiting for something to be done with.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:29 pm
by NcHooch
I've been using my insanely hot peach habanero hooch for bloody marys, It's fantastic
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:35 pm
by Mr.Spooky
glad to hear that thats workin out for ya Nc.... i think that i went a bit over board on the habs when i did mine,, but when peaches come in again next year,, you can bet your ass that im gonna dedicate a month or two to peaches.
guess i might try this bloody mary thing that yalls talking about.... what the hell.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:09 pm
by WalkingWolf
I used to drink bloody mary's on a regular basis. Liked'em with ginger snaps while studying chemistry. Got drunk off my ass on them on night. Let's just say the Tabasco headed the wrong way on a one way street left a lasting impression. That was twenty-plus years ago. Hadn't had another since. I'll probably give your combo a go just for old tyme sake.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:16 pm
by Fastill
My bloody marys are made with lime juice instead of lemon and celery salt instead of salt and pepper and I add a tip of a teaspoon of ground horseradish and garnish with either pickled brussel sprouts or a dill pickle spear and green olives.
And I use lots of tobasco in mine, I love them HOT!!!
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:19 pm
by Mr.Spooky
god dang,,, starting to sound more like a salad

think ill have a whiskey.
Mr. Spooky
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:32 pm
by still crazy
Fastill wrote:My bloody marys are made with lime juice instead of lemon and celery salt instead of salt and pepper and I add a tip of a teaspoon of ground horseradish and garnish with either pickled brussel sprouts or a dill pickle spear and green olives.
And I use lots of tobasco in mine, I love them HOT!!!
+1 But wheres the horseradish ????
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:39 pm
by Fastill
still crazy wrote:Fastill wrote:My bloody marys are made with lime juice instead of lemon and celery salt instead of salt and pepper and I add a tip of a teaspoon of ground horseradish and garnish with either pickled brussel sprouts or a dill pickle spear and green olives.
And I use lots of tobasco in mine, I love them HOT!!!
+1 But wheres the horseradish ????
I mix it in the drink..

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:00 pm
by Bushman
I recently researched infusion recipes, tried several with Bloody Mary mix (can not believe how many things you can find with a google search). This is also a great way to experiment with different flavors, I actually combined parts from several recipes that I thought would be good, remember everyone's tastes are different.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:36 pm
by coctailgirl
Mr.Spooky wrote:its always sounded pretty good until the mention of tomato juice,,, then i just think about V8 and my grandmother.
here recientally my tastes have been turning so maby ill give it a go.. ,, iv got some habanero hooch thats just waiting for something to be done with.
well good luck with that! =)
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:38 pm
by coctailgirl
Bushman wrote:I recently researched infusion recipes, tried several with Bloody Mary mix (can not believe how many things you can find with a google search). This is also a great way to experiment with different flavors, I actually combined parts from several recipes that I thought would be good, remember everyone's tastes are different.
Good point! As I mentioned as well whatever suits your taste is your Bloody Mary recipe ^^
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:43 pm
by coctailgirl
Fastill wrote:My bloody marys are made with lime juice instead of lemon and celery salt instead of salt and pepper and I add a tip of a teaspoon of ground horseradish and garnish with either pickled brussel sprouts or a dill pickle spear and green olives.
And I use lots of tobasco in mine, I love them HOT!!!
Thanks for further infortmation!
I think lime instead of lemon will intense the taste so I should try that. Another thing is celery salt is in most recipes, however I never found celery salt in Turkey so I have no idea how it tastes

maybe a should make some
By the way, I like my Bloody Mary's hot to

I add about 8-9 drops to mine.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:05 am
by snookfinken
Fastill wrote:My bloody marys are made with lime juice instead of lemon and celery salt instead of salt and pepper and I add a tip of a teaspoon of ground horseradish and garnish with either pickled brussel sprouts or a dill pickle spear and green olives.
And I use lots of tobasco in mine, I love them HOT!!!
Sounds like that one would come out hot too haha

. Guess you would figure who drank one when you heard someone screaming from the bathroom

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:26 am
by SuburbanStiller
Everytime I have a Bloody Mary I always think Wow, this is the best Bloody Mary I have every had! I don't know why; I think it might be the hangover, which I also always have when I order one.
Last one I had was served with three olives instead of celery. As I detest celery, this was a welcomed improvement.
Anybody ever had one with Gin instead of Vodka?
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:30 am
by coctailgirl
SuburbanStiller wrote:Everytime I have a Bloody Mary I always think Wow, this is the best Bloody Mary I have every had! I don't know why; I think it might be the hangover, which I also always have when I order one.
Last one I had was served with three olives instead of celery. As I detest celery, this was a welcomed improvement.
Anybody ever had one with Gin instead of Vodka?
Bloody Mary with gin is often refered as "red snapper". In my opinion it's way better than original, leaves you a full, unique aroma.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:29 am
by Grumpy
one of my favorites , 2 olives with a dash of brine and plenty of celery salt
make it burn a bit as well thanks
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:46 am
by Braz
Well, I might as well post my recipe.
1/4 tsp dried dill weed
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp celery seed
grind to a fine powder using morter & pestle
Add 1.5 oz vodka (or gin, or tequila for a Bloody Bull)
dash of worcestershire
hot sauce to taste (I like Louisiania Hot Sauce)
V-8 type vegie juice
shake with ice and serve with garnish of your choice.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:10 am
by coctailgirl
Braz wrote:Well, I might as well post my recipe.
1/4 tsp dried dill weed
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp celery seed
grind to a fine powder using morter & pestle
Add 1.5 oz vodka (or gin, or tequila for a Bloody Bull)
dash of worcestershire
hot sauce to taste (I like Louisiania Hot Sauce)
V-8 type vegie juice
shake with ice and serve with garnish of your choice.
That's a great recipe I like it! I sometimes use garlic powder as well, however I believe it limits the blackpepper. As I can see you haven't added salt or pepper as well, so that must be it?
I hope others post their Bloody Mary recipes as well

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:12 pm
Suprisingly good thread.
I can certainly appreciate all of the ingredients.
But I'm more of a rum and carrot juice for Sunday Brunch/hang over cure kind of sweet tooth feller.
Course,,,,,for some good reason,,,,I don't get hang overs no more.....Recon I'll have to investigate more.
No matter. Great thread. Please carry on.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:22 pm
by Kentucky shinner
dadbern,, Love a good Bloody Mary and this thread is really making me thirsty...
Thanks this is great.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:33 pm
by Bushman
coctailgirl wrote:Braz wrote:Well, I might as well post my recipe.
1/4 tsp dried dill weed
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp celery seed
grind to a fine powder using morter & pestle
Add 1.5 oz vodka (or gin, or tequila for a Bloody Bull)
dash of worcestershire
hot sauce to taste (I like Louisiania Hot Sauce)
V-8 type vegie juice
shake with ice and serve with garnish of your choice.
That's a great recipe I like it! I sometimes use garlic powder as well, however I believe it limits the blackpepper. As I can see you haven't added salt or pepper as well, so that must be it?
I hope others post their Bloody Mary recipes as well

I have a similar recipe but first I infuse the vodka which I call the
Vodka from Hell
garlic, several peppers (either Jalapenos, Serranos, Poblanos, etc)
infuse in bottle of vodka
Caution: the seed are what carry the most heat of a pepper, so I remove these. Cut the pepper in half lengthwise. Push the core of the pepper and the seeds out. You may want to wear plactic gloves. If you don't wear gloves, remember to wash your hands vigorously when you are done. Don't make the mistake inadvertantly scratching an itch around your face or eyes after cutting chilis!
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:48 pm
by DrMalt
It's funny but we don't do Bloody Mary's here in Canada. We call them Ceasar's and instead of Tomato juice we use Clamato which is tomato juice with Clam nectar mixed in as well. Sounds bloody bad but it's really quite good and popular. They bottle them premixed these days. Spiced as you spice your favorite Bloody Mary. I love the horseradish and I prefer Franks' RedHot Chili Lime... I put that shit on everything...
If you go to Las Vegas and order a Ceasar you'll probably get one because there are so many Canucks going there on Vacation the bars and hotels get Clamato shipped in for it. I tried ordering one in San Diego and the Bar Maid thought I was nuts.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:48 am
by coctailgirl
Bushman wrote:coctailgirl wrote:Braz wrote:Well, I might as well post my recipe.
1/4 tsp dried dill weed
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp celery seed
grind to a fine powder using morter & pestle
Add 1.5 oz vodka (or gin, or tequila for a Bloody Bull)
dash of worcestershire
hot sauce to taste (I like Louisiania Hot Sauce)
V-8 type vegie juice
shake with ice and serve with garnish of your choice.
That's a great recipe I like it! I sometimes use garlic powder as well, however I believe it limits the blackpepper. As I can see you haven't added salt or pepper as well, so that must be it?
I hope others post their Bloody Mary recipes as well

I have a similar recipe but first I infuse the vodka which I call the
Vodka from Hell
garlic, several peppers (either Jalapenos, Serranos, Poblanos, etc)
infuse in bottle of vodka
Caution: the seed are what carry the most heat of a pepper, so I remove these. Cut the pepper in half lengthwise. Push the core of the pepper and the seeds out. You may want to wear plactic gloves. If you don't wear gloves, remember to wash your hands vigorously when you are done. Don't make the mistake inadvertantly scratching an itch around your face or eyes after cutting chilis!
Lol I remember doing that 3-4 years ago it was hell!
Well, me and my bf made a chili vodka that is to say with black and red pepper. We thought that would be a great base for Bloody Mary. However later he told me they tried it with a friend it didn't work out. Maybe the peppers were more than needed for a tester jar I don't know. How much do you put in that?
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:53 am
by coctailgirl
LWTCS wrote:Humph,
Suprisingly good thread.
I can certainly appreciate all of the ingredients.
But I'm more of a rum and carrot juice for Sunday Brunch/hang over cure kind of sweet tooth feller.
Course,,,,,for some good reason,,,,I don't get hang overs no more.....Recon I'll have to investigate more.
No matter. Great thread. Please carry on.
Hmm, why suprisingly?

A bad recipe is expecte from me?
Well if you're more of a rum guy, go and check my mojito recipe, I'm sure it will suit you perfectly! If you like mojito I can create you a recipe with carrot juice too!
Anyway thanks

I'll carry on for sure

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:55 am
by coctailgirl
Kentucky shinner wrote:dadbern,, Love a good Bloody Mary and this thread is really making me thirsty...
Thanks this is great.
Thanks Kentucky Shinner! Great to hear from you

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:03 am
by coctailgirl
DrMalt wrote:It's funny but we don't do Bloody Mary's here in Canada. We call them Ceasar's and instead of Tomato juice we use Clamato which is tomato juice with Clam nectar mixed in as well. Sounds bloody bad but it's really quite good and popular. They bottle them premixed these days. Spiced as you spice your favorite Bloody Mary. I love the horseradish and I prefer Franks' RedHot Chili Lime... I put that shit on everything...
If you go to Las Vegas and order a Ceasar you'll probably get one because there are so many Canucks going there on Vacation the bars and hotels get Clamato shipped in for it. I tried ordering one in San Diego and the Bar Maid thought I was nuts.
I just love this forum! I learn a new thing everyday

So Ceasar's eh?

Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:57 am
by NcHooch
Red snapper and Red bull eh? ... never heard of them before, but hell yea!
If you like your bloody marys hot, take a bottle (750ml) of your favorite neutral hooch and cut a habanero in half and slip one half into the bottle. let 'er set for a week and you'll be good to go . I'll occasionally have a shot of this straight up, but it burns yer throat somethin fierce straight

...great in the bloody mary though.
thanks coctailgirl
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:31 am
by loneswinger
I am lazy so have always bought Mr and Mrs. T's bloody mary mix. I guess I should make my own though. Thanks to all who posted recipes. I like 'em hot too. Keep the recipes coming coctail girl.
Re: Bloody Mary Recipe
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:00 pm
by still crazy
DrMalt wrote:It's funny but we don't do Bloody Mary's here in Canada. We call them Ceasar's and instead of Tomato juice we use Clamato which is tomato juice with Clam nectar mixed in as well. Sounds bloody bad but it's really quite good and popular. They bottle them premixed these days. Spiced as you spice your favorite Bloody Mary. I love the horseradish and I prefer Franks' RedHot Chili Lime... I put that shit on everything...
If you go to Las Vegas and order a Ceasar you'll probably get one because there are so many Canucks going there on Vacation the bars and hotels get Clamato shipped in for it. I tried ordering one in San Diego and the Bar Maid thought I was nuts.
When I worked in a bar on Cape Cod
When we added clam juice to a Bloody Mary it became ........ Marys' Bad Week
Wasn't my name for it and we sold LOADS of them