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Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:21 pm
by Manback
So I was thinking about this.. everyone goes to the trouble of angled cuts etc, has anyone tried using a bubble plate as a take-off area? That way it's not only your take-off but also an area for further fractionation..

Bubble plates (if it was just a single cap) would have to be easier yeah? Riser, down-comer, bob's your uncle?

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:53 pm
by Braz
Seems like it would be a lot harder to build than sawing a couple of angled cuts in the pipe. And I doubt the gain of one plate would make much difference when added to the number of theoretical plates you already have in the mesh filled column.

I never understood all the pain and agony associated with cutting the angled slots in the first place. Around 30 degrees, it doesn't have to be accurate to the thousanth - just "around" 30 degrees - a little more than half way through the pipe. Easy peasy. Double up on the hacksaw blade depending on the thickness of your plate material.

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:06 pm
Manback wrote:has anyone tried using a bubble plate as a take-off area? That way it's not only your take-off but also an area for further fractionation..
Me and Barney were talking about this concept the other day. Barney is in the process of putting together a design that will allow for heads collection.

Not sure what he has come up with yet.

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:32 pm
by Manback
A single cap wouldn't be that hard. Just a j-shaped down-comer and one riser.

Evidently some people do have issues with this Braz, so I guess maybe this is more an idea for them. Cheers for your input though a

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:42 pm
by still crazy
Why do we keep trying to fix that which is not broken ???

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:09 pm
by Manback
Awesome work guys.

Love your attitudes.


Forget I mentioned anything, you fellahs are too negative to discuss things with.

(not you LW, just the ones who are so anti on trying new ideas)

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:38 pm
by maheel
how do you hold the plate in there ? without cutting or drilling the side or something?

nothing wrong with your idea but the boka is so simple, that's what make it great .

do a mok-up and post a pic, only way to test is to build it :)

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:28 pm
by rad14701
This wouldn't actually be a modification of the Bokakob dual slant plate but, rather, a new method of making an inline Liquid Management reflux column... Not a bad idea at all if someone was willing to give it a go... A bubble plate inline LM reflux column... Just another way of controlling reflux and providing a collection reservoir...

Build It... :idea:

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:14 pm
by Manback

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:52 am
by Braz

I didn't mean to come across as negative. Sorry if it read that way.

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:19 am
by myles
It's good the way ideas come around again. Have a look at this: ... k#p6723536 :)

It would work but might be a bit more expensive than a conventional slant plate. Not judging as I often build stuff when there are cheaper options. give it a go. :lol:

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:02 am
Please keep us updated RC.

I had wanted to create a way to collect heads prior to any vapor making it's way thru my thumpers and polluting my flavored juice with heads funk. I had considered a manual three way valve. But that could get spendy as hell.
Bubble chamber (or the like) with a CM controled kind of,,,,gate/valve and a side take off port located below my Tower might be the ticket
I hope you fellers can post some drawings as your ideas develope.

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:12 am
by Barney Fife
Me and Barney were talking about this concept the other day. Barney is in the process of putting together a design that will allow for heads collection.
Not sure what he has come up with yet.

My initial idea was to use slant plates above the bubble plates/thumpers; combined with a dephelg at the top, it would allow collecting some of, and draining off of, the returned distillate. With careful power control, it may allow compressing the heads and draining these instead of letting them go back down to the bubble plates. Since slant plates are so easy to make and install, I'm a big fan of them. Bot other ideas are stewing around in back of my head, and just from discussing it briefly with LW, I was already coming up with variations on the idea <lol>! It'll be a while yet before I put saw to copper and solder to anything, though. Will keep y'all posted!

Oh, and nobody's trying to fix what isn't broken. That's not the point. The idea is to not fix anything, but simply to see if we can't improve on the existing designs and/or the variations of such. The first fella to put a barrel in-between his boiler and his worm surely had others asking what the hell did he do that for. But soon enough, "thumpers" became common, right?

Forward!Must move forward(or at least look around the corner to see what else is out there)!

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:13 pm
by Manback
Braz wrote:Manback,

I didn't mean to come across as negative. Sorry if it read that way.
That's cool, the net inevitably leads to misinterpretation sometimes, sorry :D
myles wrote:It's good the way ideas come around again. Have a look at this: ... k#p6723536 :)

It would work but might be a bit more expensive than a conventional slant plate. Not judging as I often build stuff when there are cheaper options. give it a go. :lol:
Yup, I know what ya mean myles.. at the end of the day, a bubble plate won't be very expensive, even if it is slightly more than slant plates.. and I've wasted more money on stupider shit, in my time.. :lol:
rockchucker22 wrote:It would be easy, I'm working on a 2" mini flute/potstill and used a 2" pipe cutter to make a ridge that the plate sits on then I solder it. Perfect level. I was thinking of a modular section build with take off at every 4th plate going up to 20 plates. To start I'm doing a 4 plate section to see how it works.
Nice :D Having similar thoughts RC.. I really like the idea of modular builds with multiple take-offs.. I figure 20 plates, spaced 3" apart, would mean only 1.5m total height (+ 6" for reflux condenser).. that's not even that big!
Barney Fife wrote:Me and Barney were talking about this concept the other day. Barney is in the process of putting together a design that will allow for heads collection.
Not sure what he has come up with yet.

My initial idea was to use slant plates above the bubble plates/thumpers; combined with a dephelg at the top, it would allow collecting some of, and draining off of, the returned distillate. With careful power control, it may allow compressing the heads and draining these instead of letting them go back down to the bubble plates. Since slant plates are so easy to make and install, I'm a big fan of them. Bot other ideas are stewing around in back of my head, and just from discussing it briefly with LW, I was already coming up with variations on the idea <lol>! It'll be a while yet before I put saw to copper and solder to anything, though. Will keep y'all posted!

Oh, and nobody's trying to fix what isn't broken. That's not the point. The idea is to not fix anything, but simply to see if we can't improve on the existing designs and/or the variations of such. The first fella to put a barrel in-between his boiler and his worm surely had others asking what the hell did he do that for. But soon enough, "thumpers" became common, right?

Forward!Must move forward(or at least look around the corner to see what else is out there)!
Agreed Barney.. just going out there all the time to try and improve what's already there :D And hell, even if it doesn't work.. at least it'll be different!

Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:46 pm
by Chasin' Tales
You mean something like this Manback? This is my "Gatling Bubble Cap Heads Trap" condenser as I originally posted elsewhere on the www. It's about 6.5" tall. The shell & tube condenser portion is 12" long w/ 21 1/4" SS tubes inside 3" OD stainless. The bubble cap plate has five 1/2" caps over 3/8" tubing with a 3/8" downcomer. I added another takeoff port halfway up thinking that some of the more volatile components might be able to be caught up there. Not so much. Not a drip came out of that takeoff. Otherwise works like a champ so far!





Re: Replacing Bok slant plates with bubble plate?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:59 pm
by Manback
I've seen this where you posted elsewhere (even posted on it actually :P) but somehow hadn't realized the LM take-off was actually at the plate.. I'd mentally turned the thermo into a needle valve, figured there must be slant plates or something there..

I guess that should probably teach me to read a little more carefully, totally missed the mark there!!

But yes that is exactly what I mean. Mine is in a 2" column (modifying last build) though, and I think maybe I might do an external down-comer with a j-return back into the column, with needle off that, as bending the down-comer from the side into the 1" tee, down the bottom and then j-trap.. just seems like it would be a mission in stainless :P There's a thread on what I mean in this sub-forum.

Dang, don'tcha hate when it when you think you had a good idea and it turns out you subconsciously nicked it from someone smarter than you? :lol: