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Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:28 am
by Izzy_Britton
With the large amount of people building bubble plate columns, and the seemingly huge migration to bubble plate columns, I thought it would be nice to start a topic dedicated to the theory and development of the cooling apparatuses used in these builds.

There are a bunch of different ideas about the perfect Dephleg and the perfect Graham condenser for the 4 inch (or larger) bubble plate column.

Show us your Dephleg and/or Graham and give us an explanation as to why you built yours the way you did and if you have tested it out, how does it perform. Please include build pics if you have any and explain what was the hardest part of the build and what you would change if you were to do it over again.


Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:34 pm
by olddog
When I first built the Magic Flute, I used a design offered to me by another member, which had a drip ring attached to the bottom reducer.
This was attached by hard soldering the ring to the reducer, to prevent it unsoldering itself when attaching the dephlegmater to the column. After thinking about it, I realised that it still left the area outside the drip ring to condense and run down the wall of the column.
on the last two builds, I have reversed the bottom reducer, which will direct all of the condensation from the bottom of the dephlegmater to the centre of the plate.
modified dephlag.png
This seems to work more efficiently, and will give full reflux if required.


Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:56 pm
Recon i could have done a better job of engineering and fabricating mine (depfel-go-ma -gator) but it knocks it all down no matter.

My goal was to have a tool that could be landed at various locations on the modular system I was trying to create.

So far so good.

Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:00 pm
Fer as my Graham goes,,,I was happy with the triple wall liebig but I was trying to use up the 4" I had and also create something comensurate in apearance to my tower.

I was afraid the 3/8 coil would be too small but the thing works like a charm. She does hold a bunch of water and is heavy,,,,,,,,but she kinda scoffs at the entire fires of hell thing.

Recon my builds are a bit rough around the edges compared to some of the fine craftsmanship round here...............But she pulls a 95 if I so choose :mrgreen:

Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:42 am
by myles
I have a surplus liebig that I was not using so I decided to chop it up to reuse the parts. Once I had stripped it down I was left with a coil of 3/8 tube wrapped around - and soldered to - a 33" length of 1" tube.


I have decided this will be the core of a 2" graham condenser. I have left the 1" tube in place, and have added a 1/2" cold finger inside it to feed the coil. It is going to end up something like this.


Although I may bring the vapour in from the top and have the cooling tubes going out the side.

Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:58 pm
by myles
For strength I decided to put 2 1/2" tubes through a 2" 90 degree coupling for my coolant inlet. Turned out to be a bit awkward, but its done. With all the fiddling about the holes ended up a bit loose so I used a compression olive,as a wedge to take up a bit of the slack.

Not tidied up yet but it is aligned and leak free. She's going to be a big bugger though. Technically a Friedrich, as she has a cold finger and a coil. Will centralise the cold finger before the jacket goes on. :lol:



Image :D

Re: Dephlegs and Grahams

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:19 pm
by Kiwi-lembic
LWTCS wrote: My goal was to have a tool that could be landed at various locations on the modular system I was trying to create.
sure your goal isnt punching through the next floor with a still neck :D ....thatll trip the wife up..then whles shes down flog some more bowls ..
cool pics and work L.W