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Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:43 am
by Wanker
This is the most complete table I have found for correcting an alcohol hydrometer calibrated at 60F for any temp from 0*F to 100*F at all proofs.

From the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau so I would assume they are pretty accurate. ... able_1.pdf
You may want to check to see what temp your Alcohol Hydrometer is calibrated to (it should say on the scale inside it). I was using this site which uses a Widder Hydrometer which are calibrated for 20*C or 68F but when I looked carefully at my Hydrometer from Brewhaus it is calibrated for 60F.

The depressing result being I have been thinking my product was just under 95% when in fact it is only about 93%. :(
My next run I will be using a lot more reflux to hopefully get it closer to a true 95%.

Re: Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:07 pm
by shizam
Nice! Thanks for posting.

Re: Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:25 pm
by Howling Wolf
There's an app called Brewzor for Android in the google play store that I use. It works great.

Re: Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:16 pm
by chris_zx2
Howling Wolf wrote:There's an app called Brewzor for Android in the google play store that I use. It works great.
Shut up!!!! I've been thinking that would be great. Gonna get it now. Anybody else know of other apps for android? Or maybe someone can develop an app that incorporates all the calculates on the main page!

Re: Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:33 pm
by chris_zx2
Just found distillers toolbox on play store, haven't tried it but sounds good!

Re: Alcohol Hydrometer Temp. Correction Table

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:31 pm
by Maritimer
Wanker wrote:The depressing result being I have been thinking my product was just under 95% when in fact it is only about 93%.
My next run I will be using a lot more reflux to hopefully get it closer to a true 95%.
Poor Wanker! That 95.6% figure you keep seeing is %ABW, alcohol by weight. I always thought it was %ABV, too. But when you convert %ABW to %ABV, it comes out to 97.2%ABV.