New Member. Seeking Expert Advise..
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:14 pm
Hello There. I just recently found this web site on my research quest on how to process drinkable ethonal. This is what i know... drinkable ethoanl has a vapour temp of 78 degrees C and the blinding agent methonal has a boiling point of 64 degrees c. So what im really seeking is an accurate way of extracting those lighter more volitile (less desireable) components. So im really wondering is how do so and what still is most efficiant for this. So i know you heat the mash and condences the vapour. So if you tryin to get rid of the methanol,is the idea to keep you thermometer at the top of you still at the tempurature of the boiling point of methanol? really i suppose what im asking douse this happen naterally? Like douse the thermomter stay at the lightest components vapur temp until that compenetnt is gone. and then the next temp will be the next heavier compents vapour temp.
Basically I need to be spoon fed the characteristics of a still . . A distillation for dummies if you will. I am completely green and have done mucho research with no pratical expierence..
Basically I need to be spoon fed the characteristics of a still . . A distillation for dummies if you will. I am completely green and have done mucho research with no pratical expierence..