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bok plate spacing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:36 am
by emiliokiedoke
i've read on here that a lot of people prefer to keep their plates spaced at 5/8" on a two inch column i just printed up the template and it has them at 3/4" for a two inch. i have a three inch bok so i enlarged the template by 50% which brought the spacing to one inch. does the with of my column have any relevence on the amount of space i put between my plates? should i go with 5/8ths? 3/4? 1 inch just seems a little to far to me. could someone please drop a little science on me?

Re: bok plate spacing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:16 am
by Samohon
You'll be fine with a 1" space between the plates on a 3" column...
Don't have the top plate too low that it is lower than the overflow lip on the bottom plate...
IMO, it's an LM system and the gap does have a relevance to the diameter of the column;
IE; if you used the spacing for the 2" on a 3" - 4" column then you would definitely have a vapour trap by the plates being to close together, not good...

Keep us posted on your progress, and good luck...

Hope it helps... :wink:

Re: bok plate spacing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:11 am
by emiliokiedoke
thank you samohon. 1" it is. with the bottom lip of the top plate being lower than the over flow lip on the bottom that shouldn't happen as long as i stick with the template and not increase the degree of my slots, correct? this is also to not restrict vapor flow?

Re: bok plate spacing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:51 pm
by Samohon
Stick with a 1" clearance with the plates slightly overlapping @ 30°... You'll have no problem...

If I get some time on my hand's later, I'll do some new 3" templates in Metric and Imperial...

Keep us posted and do try to get a few piccies up for us to drool over... :wink:

Re: bok plate spacing

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:58 am
by rad14701
As stated, a 1" gap for a 3" column is optimal... Any smaller and you will have an increase in vapor speed right at your vapor/liquid junction... And wider and there is no real benefit due to existing constriction caused by the plates themselves...