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Keg question
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:23 pm
by strangebrew
Well I was just looking at the keg I just got for free, 15.5 gallon size and got to thinking. I am wondering of it is made of SS or Aluminum. I know the one I use for me beer kettle is but this one I'm not sure of. I will certainly know once I cut into it but would like to know before hand. The reason being is that if it isn't I can swap with a friend on mine. He has a coors light keg I know is SS. The one i just got is an Anheuser Bush 15.5 keg, looks to be like the one's on sabco's web site, the grade B used ones from the mid 80's or some time around that. The sticker on the side states that it was last filled in 2000. Did AB ever use in that time frame anything other than SS? I will try to post a pic tommorw. Guess I'm just a little parinoid since it's not just going to be boiling water. Come hell or high water i'm sticking to the theme of Stainless Steel, Copper or Glasss else I ain't gonna use it!
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:40 am
by junkyard dawg
Good plan sticking with the known safe list of material...
I'd bet its stainless. I don't think there are any aluminum kegs like that here in the states...but, to be sure, just sit it down side by side with the known keg. Tap on 'em and listen to how they sound...look at the color, and compare the weight. If that doesn't tell you enough, use a spark test. Touch it with a grinder and watch the sparks. Different materials have different spark patterns. You'll be able to find details on spark tests online easy enough.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:08 am
by corntornado
maybe try a magnet?
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:45 am
by junkyard dawg
magnets won't help any...
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:22 am
by Mickarus
try scratching it. ali's heaps softer
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:27 am
by hornedrhodent
Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda or lye) will react with Al to give off hydrogen - stainless steel wont. Bung on a bit and see if it fizzes - then wash it off quick.