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Simple Rum and I love it

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:20 pm
by realtree71
Ok I have been making nothing but rum for the last 6 or 7 months and I think I finally have one that I and my friends love. Its simple but has roots in Hooks, and Pugi and many others.

I think the key to what I have now is most certainly a combination of reused and aged dunder and good mollases.

I couldnt tell you how abused and used my dunder has become. I have 3-40 gal pits aging, but I found that mine is best just recycling from one run straight to the next wash.

2.5 gallons hot dunder straight from the run. It really got good after the 6th or 7th run or so
1gallon of Grammas Gold Molasses
2lbs Raw Cane sugar
2 multi vitamins
3 tumms (after several runs the dunder gets acidic)
2.5 gallons of good clean well water
1/4 bakers yeast

simple as that and for me it works gread. When I get 2 gallons product saved up I put it in a 2 gallon charred barrel. I remove when the color is deep and dark. I'll check the product about every 4 or 5 days.

The tast is deep and rich and has some sweetness to it.

Thanks to you rummies who post different recipes and experiment I've read them all.

I've done the above with sweet bakers molasses and found that I dont get as much product during the run but it sure does taste good. I've not had much luck with obtaining the quality flavor I get with the above, by using blackstrap or feed grade.... its just me though

Re: Simple Rum and I love it

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:52 pm
realtree71 wrote: I dont get as much product during the run but it sure does taste good.
Intresting comment and dualy noted...

Seem to be running into a smaller hearts section as the generations progress,,,,,,,,,,, but the hearts section is devine.......More work to do........clearly.

Thanks for the input.

Re: Simple Rum and I love it

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 1:43 pm
by realtree71
These runs are now 5 years old and older. I did a few cases several 750ml bottles over the years. The product is A++. Wonderful aroma and very smooth rum taste. Has a great finish