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Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:19 pm
by maddyn99
So, I have been reading up on distilling for about a month now and i THINK i know what I am looking for, but still have some questions. My assumptions :lol: so far.

1. I want to primarily make Vodka/neutral spirit. This is what I drink 99% of the time so I know I need a reflux for a one pass distillation.

I cant decide if you can or cant make vodka from a still that tastes like vodka. For every post that I seem to read that says you can, there is one that says you cant. I don't want a neutral alcohol that has no taste. I sometimes like to drink my vodka when its been chilled in the freezer straight up and i LIKE that taste that it has. Will the vodka I make from a homemade still taste anything like what I buy in the store? I don't want any flavored Vodkas either, just plain old Stoli tasting vodka please.

2. I don't want to make my own still. While I have read about it, I have come to the conclusion I have neither the time nor the patience to make my own. I would rather pay somone to make sure its done correctly and just not have to deal with a crimped or broken condensation coil.

3. Brewhaus and Mile Hi seem to be the only two major companies that are selling stills in the USA. Are there any other reputable still sellers in the USA? Its not that I dont mind either of the two, but I do want to make sure I get the most bang for my buck. Ive been keeping an eye on ebay and this guy seems to be popular. Anyone know if this still is any good or if he is reputable? He has a 100% positive feedback so I guess hes not a total ripoff. ... 35b10d7006" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

If you had to choose between the two, which would it be for a Vodka Making still. ... 15C96.aspx" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow From Brewhaus or the ... /16033.htm" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow from Mile Hi.

On a side note why are BOTH of the them backordered till April/May????

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:48 pm
by Kifi
1. When you make your first neutral, trust me, it will taste like vodka. Don't overthink/overanalyze it, or read too much into those comments. We're talking about subtleties here from a beginner's perspective.

2. I'm just like you. I bought stills from the Amphora Society, Colonel Wilson, and Mile Hi. Honestly? Slap down $500 for Mile Hi's 8 gal 30" reflux still starter kit with everything you need including the fermentation tank, hot plate, boiler, column, hydrometers, even the yeast. Just add sugar and water. The thing is indestructable, and it works the first time." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

3. The Mile Hi one is has a reflux condensor, which will give you better vodka - go with that one. And buy the Compleat Distiller (note the spelling) and Making Corn Whiskey while you're waiting for it to arrive, and memorize them both. You'll be glad you did.

Good luck!

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:58 pm
by olddog
Better still, build yourself a Bokabob, it's one of the easiest builds around, and save $$$ bigtime. :D :D :D


Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:25 pm
by Rum Bum
I'd go with Mile Hi, it's a reputable company. I'm not saying the others aren't but personally I like their stuff a lot. I'm new to distilling but last year made rum and bought my still from this Portuguese company For this coming summer I'm going to build my own. If you still enjoy it after you've dipped your feet in the water you'll probably end up building one down the road.

But your smart to purchase one first. Since your making vodka I wouldn't buy from the link I gave you. Even though they make great stills, they don't make good vodka stills.... go with Mile Hi.


Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:37 am
by staggerlee
I agree with olddog. The added satisfaction with building your still while saving money and making a great product is definitely the way to go.

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:15 am
by Prairiepiss
I'm not trying to be negative here just asking a question.
If you think you don't have time to build your own still. What makes you think you have time to run one? Building a boka is a 1 day job 2 days tops. It will take the better part of a day to run a good reflux run. With setup run teardown and cleanup. So if you don't have time to build one do you really have time to run one? I'm not saying buying one is a bad thing. Hell if I had the cash I would have bought a mile hi a long time ago. I myself am finding it hard to get time to finish my build. So I'm starting to wonder if I will after I get it built have the time to run it properly and safely. With out interruption and not rushing.

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:03 am
by aqua vitae
+1 Prairepiss.
A bokabob can do vodka and is easy to build. A VM still is almost as easy to build and is easier to make fine vodka with. You did not want completely neutral azeotrope ethanol but too much heads and tails in a vodka will make it taste like sh*t, and at least tails is easier to prevent to reach the outtake with a VM.
Then research wash recipes. A simple sugarwash is fine for neutral but it seems you like the subtle grain taste of vodka? There is a vodka recipe in the tried and true section IIRC.

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:13 am
by Bayou-Ruler
Brewhaus All the way..........

Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:07 am
by Rum Bum
Bayou-Ruler, your the Brewhaus spokesman. Of course your gonna promote them. :ebiggrin:


Re: Need Advice on Still & Vodka

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:32 pm
by toolmaker
I have had an 8 gal. milk can still from milehi.IT IS READY TO GO OUT OF THE BOX AND EASY ENOUGH TO LEARN ON. I want to make my own one day when I don't have to work so much. With the 1500watt ele. hot plate it takes 8 good hours to run 6.5 gallon run.I would like to research what type of still I would like to build, when I do build one.The Milehi makes good vadka which is all I have done for now. I would go with the allbran tried and true wash Rad developed. Do not go with the turbo, then clearing agent,then countless carbon filtering or soaking it in carbon then filtering. Shoot for 14% abv .I have done some runs with my propane turkey fryer burner. It cuts down on the time quite a bit.I don't make everything i use in life so why should I feel guilty for buying a still instead of making one.