field corn mash before mature

Production methods from starch to sugars.

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red reaper
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field corn mash before mature

Post by red reaper »

Was thinking today about field corn, and the trouble I've had with boiling the corn after grinding to convert, scortching and straining. I've got hundreds of acres of yellow field corn. What if I took the ears at roastin ear stage, cut the corn off them like you would canning corn, and boil it at that stage? would it have the starch to convert to sugar at that point? wouldn't it be easier to strain off as you won't have the "Dust" floating around due to grinding, and have less scorching? Just something I was thinking about. If so, how many "wet" lbs. of this corn would you use in a 8 gallon batch? how long would you boil it? add sugar too? bakers yeast or use a turbo?
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Re: field corn mash before mature

Post by frozenthunderbolt »

Dont use turbo; it will come out tasting like dogs balls.

cant answer the rest. Try the HD google search in the top bar on this page
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