getting their
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:56 am
hey guys,
i've been distilling for about 3 months now,
I live in Invercargill, New Zealand,
(so i dont get as much of a rush as it is legal over here)
this also means I get to deal with the legendary Pete Sayers from the Brew Barn,
Very knowledgeable guy, has helped me alot,
anyway, I have done alot of batches (i'm up to my 9th batch already!!)
I run an early still spirits 20 (5gal) early reflux still, which has been a great wee thing to me,
Lately I have been having problems with not getting all my alcohol i should be,
(i would ferment 6kgs of suger in 20L, and would only get 1L of alcohol including head and tails!!)
this has been resolved now (my yeast kept dying to early)
anyway thought I would come say hi and tell you a story of my first batch,
my first batch was 4kg's of suger in 20L, fermented in 3 days (yes i used the turbo stuff, I dont anymore though)
Chucked it into my still (yeast and all), boiled her up and started collecting, at this point i had no marble or column packing,
I got 1.5litres in total, I filtered it for a week, then flavored it (citrus flavored yum), all i can says is she was pallatable, only just!!
went well with coke, manage to finish it off eventually, but dam she was nasty, i keep some of it still for comparisons, and man i have come along way!!!, always learning from here and through practise
oh im 21 so teach me almighty ones , im making candy shot vodka next week,
My mates are starting to really like my stuff, they are my taste testers, they dont mind lol, they have stopped buying alcahol from the liquor store now and they wait on mine!!!, hell yeah
i've been distilling for about 3 months now,
I live in Invercargill, New Zealand,
(so i dont get as much of a rush as it is legal over here)
this also means I get to deal with the legendary Pete Sayers from the Brew Barn,
Very knowledgeable guy, has helped me alot,
anyway, I have done alot of batches (i'm up to my 9th batch already!!)
I run an early still spirits 20 (5gal) early reflux still, which has been a great wee thing to me,
Lately I have been having problems with not getting all my alcohol i should be,
(i would ferment 6kgs of suger in 20L, and would only get 1L of alcohol including head and tails!!)
this has been resolved now (my yeast kept dying to early)
anyway thought I would come say hi and tell you a story of my first batch,
my first batch was 4kg's of suger in 20L, fermented in 3 days (yes i used the turbo stuff, I dont anymore though)
Chucked it into my still (yeast and all), boiled her up and started collecting, at this point i had no marble or column packing,
I got 1.5litres in total, I filtered it for a week, then flavored it (citrus flavored yum), all i can says is she was pallatable, only just!!
went well with coke, manage to finish it off eventually, but dam she was nasty, i keep some of it still for comparisons, and man i have come along way!!!, always learning from here and through practise
oh im 21 so teach me almighty ones , im making candy shot vodka next week,
My mates are starting to really like my stuff, they are my taste testers, they dont mind lol, they have stopped buying alcahol from the liquor store now and they wait on mine!!!, hell yeah