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Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:15 am
by BrentBlack
So I got a still and these places have been helpful to my other hobbies so I figured Id participate.

I have a 8gal milk pot still that can be run as a pot, column or reflux still. Ill bet you can guess the brand.

So my first run was 10L or crappy wine. It was the some of the first wine I ever made and never got drank cause it was off...over oaked, to acidic, bad ferment character, bad all around. So P ran it in the still just post style, straight from the pot to the condenser. It ran for 3.5 hrs gradually climbing from 78*C-96*C. I collected 5- 500ml bottles measuring 68%-60%-50%-40%-30% respectively. Then I stopped collecting. All of these had a strange aroma that I couldn't quite identify. It didn't smell like the classic fusel alcohol nail-polish remover that they taught us in BJCP. I can put my finger on it but it is unpleasant kinda woody or phenolic. I chalked it up to the bad wine. Of this run the 3rd, middle heart bottle of 100 proof was clearly the best.

So IU want really thrilled with the way the first run turned out, but I blamed the starting wash. For the second run I fermented up an old winexpert 3gal (12l) sherry kit from '07 that was brown it was so oxidised. But I had asked a local homebrew shop owner what he ran in his still and he said "old, oxidized wine." So I ran that to 18% with additional sugar and wine yeast. The finished product tasted good. Very oxidised and a little residual sweet, but good. Way better than the first wash.

I ran the still with the column this time. 2"x30" column packed 1/2 way with copper and ceramic. It started at 78*F, but quickly found 82*C. It stayed steady there over the course of the first 3-500ml bottles. The first measured 85%, the next two around 80%. Then the temp started to rise gradually and collection efficiency fell to somewhere in the ~60% range on bottle 4 and 50% exactly on the fifth bottle. By this time I was at 94*C and stopped collecting.

This batch was a little better than the first but I am still getting a funkiness in the nose. Is that just young moonshine? It tasted way better than it smells. Its not really shoot-able, and the funky aroma seems to shine through when mixed.

I took a 1/2oz of the hearts that was 80% and cut it 50/50 with water to 80 proof and took the shot. It had some real nice brandy character, but still a little rough on the tongue and really rough on the nose.

What do I do with this stuff now? Cut it with water? Oak it? What kinda of oak?

I took the tails bottle that was 50%, cut it to ~40% and made a liqueur with a liquor-quick peach brandy extract and some sugar. Haven't tried it yet, but it still has that off nose.

I got some questions in here already, but first Id really like to know what I'm smelling. Fusel? I'm BJCP trained and familiar with beer off flavors, and some wine, but I cant place this. Id really like to get my shine up to the quality of my home brew and wine so any advice or direction is much appreciated. Help a newb out :lol:

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:57 pm
by Prairiepiss
Welcome aboard.
What is this? " I'm BJCP trained "

I would suggest you do some research on some good recipes to run in your still. Go check out the tried and true section. They are all good recipes.

You also stated you used the tails to make a flavored llikker? Why would you use the tails? Most rerun tails as feints. They don't drink them.

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:27 pm
by BrentBlack
BJCP Brewer Judge Certifcate Program. I judge beer, but its not a big deal. I work in the hombrew/wine industry and participate in a homebrew club. Im just trying to say that I understand critical tasting and off flavors and least as they appy to beer.

I made a liqueur out of the last bottle cause I figured the flavor might cover up the nasties and I might want to do other things with the other bottles

What should I do with the hearts? So you are saying that the off aromas Im getting have been related to starting material both times? Cause the second wash smelled great, like wine/grapes...and even tasted good. Im just trying to get at what this aroma I am getting "is"

Id like to run a 50/50 agave and corn sugar next...with nutirent and EC1118. IS that tried and true enough? Or something with barley/corn/rye as I also have access to plenty of that.

Any other input would be appreciated. Im trying to read as much as I can, but you all know how a new hobby is...

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:38 pm
by Dnderhead
the algarve syrup wont give you much tequila flavor.its to refiend?.
if you want corn/sugar take a look at UJSSM.

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:50 pm
by BrentBlack
agave is raw organic. I bought a gallon to make a beer and possibly distill.

ujssm looks like you run the still 3 times. Ive been reading a lot about multiple that just part of the gig? or is there a way to get a tasty product on your first run?

Also to reiterate Im looking ofr input on what to me seems like an off aroma over the course of the entire run. Is that just moonshine? Even the most neutral tasting hearts smell off. What is that?

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:25 pm
by rad14701
You can get good spirits with a slow single pot still run as long as you make accurate cuts and blend properly... Or you can run a plated column (flute)... Or run a reflux column for neutral spirits... Many different ways to do single runs... For large washes it can be beneficial to do stripping runs and then a spirit run of the resulting low wines...

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:09 pm
My first impression would be to tell ya to strip yer wash first then dilute to 40% (if needed) and then do a spirit run for a cleaner more palatable drop.....
Then after you get something to "real time" drink ,,,,work your way backwards and experiment with run speeds, times distilled and so forth for more flavor and/or for aging stock...........Keep readin (and stillin). it will become more clear as time passes,,,,,providing you keep readin (and stillin).

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:12 pm
by Braz
BrentBlack wrote:Also to reiterate Im looking ofr input on what to me seems like an off aroma over the course of the entire run. Is that just moonshine? Even the most neutral tasting hearts smell off. What is that?
I think you mentioned that you pushed your wash to 18%. It is possible that at that percentage you stressed your yeast which might be causing the off smells you are getting. Just because a yeast strain can tolerate a high ABV doesn't mean it is happy doing so. I like to keep the ABV of my washes in the 12% range and the initial SG around 1.080-1.090 max.

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:44 am
by BrentBlack
thanks guys.

Ill keep all of this in mind. I guess what frustrating me is that I dont know what Im tasting and smelling for as far as the cuts or the blending is concerned. But I get the impression from reading that temp or proof are just not accurate. But isnt there some rough guidelines based on these (Temp/proof) for beginners?

Ive been collecting ~16oz/500ml before switching the container. Should I switch it up to ~8oz/250ml? tasting more often should help gauge the change better right?

Im planning to do a straight corn sugar wash next. Ill do it to ~12% as suggested. I guess ill do a slow pot still run and watch/taste for the cuts. Collect into smaller vessels.

If anybody wants to post me some good links to read in this thread that pertain to the holes in my knowledge and experience feel free. Cheers!

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:46 am
by banter_king
collecting on smaller amounts will definitely help you short out the differences better. there are some great threads on cuts. kiwistiller did a great one for beginners on pot stills. highly recommend.

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:33 am
by rad14701
I consider 9 - 11 collection jars to be the absolute minimum even for a 2 gallon boiler charge... And I collect half as much per jar throughout foreshots, heads, and early tails... I, more or less, ease through small collection amounts until I know I am into my hearts, collect the hearts in larger amounts, and then ease back into smaller amounts again as I am nearing the early tails... Once I know I'm into the tails I just collect in whatever size container I grab until there isn't enough remaining alcohol worth chasing after... For larger boiler charges I have used dozens of collection jars...

There are several good topics on making proper cuts and blending here in the forums as well as on the parent site...

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:35 am
by BrentBlack
You gotta a link banter_king?

Re: Just starting out...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:02 am
by banter_king ... aking+cuts

its the third sticky down in the novice distillers section