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100% malted corn mash

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:32 am
by effyeah
Hey everyone, i mashed my first all malted corn grain bill tonight, with ok results.

I started with 10 kg of whole feed corn and i soaked it it a 20l bucket for a day. after the soaking i put in another bucket with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. i rinsed with water roughly twice a day for 2 more days after that i seen that in the middle of the corn it was starting to grow a little mould, i layed out a tarp on the back deck and spread the corn out evenly on it and wet it down once a day. after a couple more days about 80% had sprouted to about 3cm, 10% to a little less and 10% no sprouts. not bad for $1 a kg.

So i ground it and mashed it tonight and got a Sg reading of 1045. i normally get about 1065-1070 with my cracked corn/malt barley but im just glad there is something fermentable in there.

Does anyone have any tips or advice? or figures on SGs of your malt corn mashes?


Re: 100% malted corn mash

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:51 am
by Steep-n-Rocky
Sounds like fun. How did you dry the corn?

Re: 100% malted corn mash

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:16 pm
by effyeah
I just air dried it over about 5 day, it wasn't been real warm here lately so it took a while.