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RumRunner Recipe
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:23 pm
by WhiteLightning
This is ma personal recipe for some of the best rum mash, i've ever produced.
12.5 Lbs of Molasses
5 Gal of tap water
1 Large Lemon
1 Large Orange
1 Cup of White Labs High Gravity Yeast (Super Yeast)
(Recipe was cut down from my original mash of 12 gal)
The molasses I bought was from a local feed store in the form of a 5 gal bucket for $18 USD. I knew this was good molasses cause it smell fine, and the first bucket exploded on me when i opened it up in ma truck bed. Anyway, I added 15lbs of molasses into a 5 gal bucket then filled it up with water, then pitched my cup of super yeast. 4 days later I dumped the mash into a 12 gal fermenter and added the rest of the molasses and top her of with water. Left the fermenter in 80* + weather for bought a week and it was ready to be racked, sparkaloided, and distilled.
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:40 pm
by Bujapat
Never tried rhum... But I'd like to do it!
Did you use cane molasses or beet molasses.
The first is impossible to find here while the second is easily available at the animal feed store.
Re: RumRunner Recipe
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:41 am
by hornedrhodent
WhiteLightning wrote:, sparkaloided,
Please explain?
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:11 am
by theholymackerel
Sparkaloid is a mix of chemicals meant to make a batch of wine, beer, or mead fall clear more quickly.
It's 100% NOT needed for a distiller, and most winemakers and brewers don't use it either and just use patience.
Anytime any of ya'll are thinkin' of hurryin' a fermentation or hurryin' the clearin' of a fermentation... DON'T! A better solution is to just buy more fermenters. Don't rush somethin' just because ya need somethin' to do. If ya need somethin' to do get a new batch fermentin'.
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:15 am
by Uncle Remus
Sounds very close to the rum recipe I use. I use 1/2 a pail (10kg) of molassis . I also add about 5kg of white sugar in a 50 litre wash. I've been using EC1118 lately for rum.
Sparkaloid is a clearing agent. I tried it once and it stuck like glue to the inside of my carboys. Now I don't bother, I rack it a couple times close to the end or after the fermentation is finished.
Bujapat. I've had feed molassis from both cane and beets. I don't find any real difference. You can also make rum from brown sugar. The first rum I ever made was with brown sugar and it turned out excellent.
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:29 am
by Bujapat
Thanks Uncle Remus. I'll try one of these days!
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:11 am
by Shifty
Must be something in the air! I just made a rum wash myself (yesterday). Went with 10 lbs of sugar and a gallon of fancy molasses - found a food wholesaler neardy where I could get both for cheap. It's bubbling away like crazy as I type (used distillers yeast and yeast nutrient).
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:11 am
by WhiteLightning
well the wash and distillate came out good, no foaming in the still like last time, so thats good. The recipe didn't come out with a high ABV. % but the second wash did, which I used a hydrometer on.
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:08 am
by Spike
Over here in the unmentionable territories, we make splendid rum using raw palm sugar from India (known as jaggeri). Highly recommended if you can get it where you are. I've also used this base product to make a wonderful spiced dark rum - delicious when the temperature drops in winter (to around 25C)
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:22 am
by KatoFong
Why are your territories in our unmentionables?
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:34 am
by stillvodka
[quote="KatoFong"]Why are your territories in our unmentionables?[Over here in the unmentionable territories,/quote]
In the unmentionables
in our unmentionables
Whats this all about?
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:33 am
by possum
Many middle eastern countries have extreme penalties for consuming or producing spirits or any alcohol.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:15 am
by gonzoflick
I know its illegal to drink in most middle eastern countries so I can only assume its VERY illegal to produce alcohol. What are the penalties you think? Do they still cut off toes and hands for that sort of thing?
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:10 am
by CoopsOz
I've just put on a rum wash (4kg molasses, 3kg sugar, 1 tspn citric acid, 20 litres water) and it is bubbling away nicely. My garage smells sickly sweet, kinda what I'd imagine Willy Wonka's place would smell like.
My question, what spices/additives do you guy's use? What do you age it on? How far down do you make your cuts? Is there a way to replicate Bundy Rum?
I figure there is no point reinventing the wheel. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:20 pm
by triggernum5
As far as flavouring goes, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, peppercorn and cloves (Oh, and extremely well used oak) are the most important.. (Which IIRC is basically the norm..) Cillantro, and jalapeno added VERY judiciously makes it interesting to me atleast.. Oddly, I prefer a very low quality molasses for final sweetener.. I'm Not a fan of really sweet rum at all, so I actually use choice crystals of dry molasses that only costs me $11 for a 55lb bag (Its that cheap for a reason) instead of caramelized sugar for darkening/sweetening.. Getting good solid flavors like vanilla beans, cinnamon sticks etc etc etc will help prevent overflavouring (It doesn't take much ground cloves, cinnamon, V extract etc to hugely overpower the true essensce.. Another personal preference is a relatively large amount of tails in the mix, but I just like tails for some reason.. I admit I get very mixed responses when I share.. It sems to be a love it/hate it thing.. With that wierdo concoction I find it easiest to close my eyes and imagine I'm a pirate or some dumb shit like that.. I have no idea if I'm anywhere close to what they really drank though.. (Obviously duh:)
BTW, I'm not exactly sober ATM.. I'm gonna have to review and possibly edit in anything I mat have forgotten, and I'm far from a pro to boot..
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:38 am
by CoopsOz
I just tested my rum, it tastes bloody awful. Granted it's only been in and out of the freezer for a few days, I really am surprised. I've added a little vanilla and I'll see if that takes. I think I might just stick to the staples, UJSM and DWWG (which incidentally is getting better and better).
I could use some help, the recipe used is listed in a previous post. I ran it down to 50%, perhaps I went too far
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:36 am
Hey CoopsOz,
Just starting in rums as well, I am sure I will probably mess something up. Do you think the off tastes are from the tails or was it from the wash? What kind of yeast did you use? From what I read most favor bread yeast for their rums. Pugi
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:47 am
by olcarguy
Ran my rum and first time through I couldn't tell where the heads stopped and the tails began. So I saved it all and ran it again. went much slower second time. Got some nice light tasting rum. I like white rum......Maybe you have to run it a second time to clean it up a bit
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:04 am
by theholymackerel
A strippin' run will help with that problem oldcarguy.
Don't make ANY cuts durin' a strippin' run. Run it hot and fast and collect EVERYTHIN' down to 20 abv%, or so.
The second run is done nice and slowly, and this is when ya make yer cuts. The cuts will be much easier to make durin' the second run 'cause everythin' has been concentrated. The changes in smell and taste will be more exaggerated and happen fast enough to notice the change.
I hope this helps.
I wish ya luck.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:18 pm
by CoopsOz
G'day Pugi,
I'm leaning towards the wash itself, maybe there was to much molasses. I have no idea what type it was as it came from the feed store. It still tasted like there was lots of sugar left in it.