Storing Yeast

These little beasts do all the hard work. Share how to keep 'em happy and working hard.

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Storing Yeast

Post by Goofy »

I just got in 25 packs of Turbo 48 (foil packs) and was wondering how you guys would store it. I'm not talking security or anything just where would store it to keep it as fresh as possible. Would in the fridge work?
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Re: Storing Yeast

Post by Longhairedcountryboy »

Goofy wrote:Would in the fridge work?
Uncle Remus
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Post by Uncle Remus »

Toss it in your freezer if you want....sub zero temps won't hurt yeast.
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Billy Joe Jim Bob
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Post by Billy Joe Jim Bob »

Hi Guys: I put mine in a Rubbermaid container and leave it in the bottom of the "fridge. I thought freezing would kill yeast, no? ...BJJB
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Uncle Remus
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Post by Uncle Remus »

My older sister buys bakers yeast in 4ltr containers...she's kept it in the freezer as long as I can remember.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day and drink beer.
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