Building my first still

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
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Building my first still

Post by RedRum »

Hey guys n' girls,

New to this site and hobby. First, is it advisable to use a small wood stove as a heat source? It'll be in a detatched two car garage, obviously vented outside. I plan to regulate the heat by raising or lowering the pot on the stove. I realize this will heat the whole room alot! But I'm starting this on the cheap, and will eventually replace the stove with a proper propane cooker.


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Re: Building my first still

Post by emptyglass »

Not recommended.
It would work, but it would take a good man (or woman) to regulate the heat effectivly.
Also could be a bit more dangerous than this hobby need be.
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Re: Building my first still

Post by RumBrewer »

You can score a burner in a kit for under $40 at wal Mart, and if you're really hurting... Sell the pots that come with it on Craigslist or something.
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Re: Building my first still

Post by Braz »

I would absolutely NOT try to regulate the heat by raising and lowering the pot. 5 or 10 gallons of hot wash inside a hot pot is not something you want to be lifting up and setting down on top of a fire.
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Re: Building my first still

Post by Coaster »

@ RedRum,

I believe it would be virtually impossible to effectually regulate the temperature resulting with foreshots/heads smeared through out distillation.

Suggest visiting the "Must Read" New Distiller Reading Lounge and review the 'Novice Guide for Cuts (Pot Still)' thread.

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Re: Building my first still

Post by NcHooch »

RedRum wrote:Hey guys n' girls,
New to this site and hobby. First, is it advisable to use a small wood stove as a heat source? It'll be in a detatched two car garage, obviously vented outside. I plan to regulate the heat by raising or lowering the pot on the stove. I realize this will heat the whole room alot! But I'm starting this on the cheap, and will eventually replace the stove with a proper propane cooker.
why not stop into the welcome center and properly introduce yourself ? ...

as far as the wood stove, you could prolly heat your pot more effectively on your cooking stove ...seems like it would take forever with a small wood stove. I'd prolly go for a hotplate before the wood stove...movin a hot still is askin for trouble.
Practice safe distillin and keep your hobby under your hat.
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Re: Building my first still

Post by RedRum »

Thanx for all the input! I realize now the difficulty and dangers more clearly! I'm gonna go with the turkey fryer.

90% of constipated people just don't give a shit!
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