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New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:03 am
by Cast95
Hi all, just wanted to post my progress on my LM Nixon / Stone offset head. Things are coming together quite nice. Just waiting for the tri-clamp so I can mount it on my keg. I try to get more photos up as the build progresses. Hope you all like, and any feedback would be great.


Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:39 pm
by 6fiddyv
Let me be the first to say that looks really purty...(homer simpson voice)oooooooooo, drooool!!!!

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:02 pm
by Cast95
Will post more photos of the build. Havent run it up yet. Once that starts happening im sure you will all hear a lot more from me. Just getting my parrot sorted out. Than I can start birdwatching. :D

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:38 pm
by Cast95
Here is the latest build progress. Managed to get the column mounted to the boiler. Insulated the column. I'am just in the process of the finishing touches on the Liebeg condenser. Should have all the plumbing up and running this week.

Column Height - 44"
Liebeg length - 44"
Condenser Coil Length - 9"
Offset head height - 17"

Column Packing - Copper
Liebeg Packing - Stainless

- Cast

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:47 pm
by Cast95
March 07 /12 Build photos. Hi all again. Just finished putting all the valving together on my system. Managed to run up the cooling system. Everything seems to be flowing fine. (I don't have the cooling lines hooked up to the Liebig in the photo). Put together my parrot last night. Just a couple more things to go.
1. Thermometer and
2. Burner. I was looking at ... nding.html" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow . Has anyone had any experience with this burner? How does it work with a 50 L SS Keg?

Hopefully Ill have things hooked up by next week and I can start with the cleaning runs.


Oh. It looks like the photos are a bit stretched and warped, sorry about that. :roll:

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:19 pm
by heartcut
Looking good- find a way to level that column before you run it and I bet you'll be happier. I went down to the store and picked up the first oudoor cooking propane burner I found that looked sturdy and it's been fine for the last 10 years- does beer and stilling. Just adjust the little shutter till you get a good flame and all's well.

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:10 pm
by ChefSteve
What made you offset your tower, just asking, because Bob's design is straight like yours without the offset and the condes on top like yours look I'm just asking for info on the offset please thanks

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:03 pm
by Cast95
Here are some great pros and cons from a previous thread ... 15&t=27868

I guess I just really liked the design, had most of the parts, and I'm sure with a bit of tweaking I'll be able to make %96 pure. Really looking forward to testing it out.

Re: New 2" LM offset head

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:11 am
by myles
My column evolved over time but in the end I went with the offset design too.

Mine is intended to be a VM not an LM, and it also has a short heads column/ heads trap etc etc. All of these column designs, and there are many, each have good and bad points - but they all work. I think at the end of the day which one you choose is just a matter of personal choice. There are so many designs that you have to cut down the options somehow.

For me it was a case of deciding on VM, and from then on it evolved from a basic design into something more complicated (but also more versatile) as I still have not decided which way I wish to run it - VM, LM, RLM, VM E-ARC.

Stainless turnbuckles or yacht rigging screws are a good way of adjusting the column so that it is vertical.