Husker wrote:I think we need to grasp just where they are coming, try to assure them that we DO know the answers (and will give them for free), and that the knowledge they think they know, is likely not high quality. I know a lot of 'read, read, read' replies are given on this site, and tons of "dont do that because of rule 8". However, those 2 answers, although technically right, provide little information to a new arrival. I know we can do better as a group. We all know the moral story about: flies with honey and vinegar, correct?
edited because I cant spell
I completely agree Husker. I have made a few members mad at me for telling them to be a little nicer. I would like to see an almost standard greeting.
IS IT POSSIBLE? to set the site so that all new members can only post in Mentor section until ready? Something like this from mentors. It would mean the MENTORS would have to start being nice.
Hi Sir Knucklehead, Welcome aboard. Here is a link to some unique words we use here. ************ this will help you as you study and read through the site.
Here are some links to what we consider required reading before you jump in with two. Feet. Our first concern is for the safety of our guest and members. Once you are somewhat up to speed, you will be allowed to post in the general forum. link************** link########### link*************link#########
I know there has not been much support from moderators for the specific word glossary but
many think it would be quite helpful to new members.
ABV . Alcohol Percentage by volume. Not to be confused with Proof.
Activated carbon. Used to filter a neutral wash to remove off flavors
and impurities.
AG . All grain. Such as an All Grain wash or ferment.(no sugar)
Aging. Time spent for the spirits to mellow.
Airing . Leaving your distillate jars open for higher alcohols
(heads) to escape. Some distillers, including commercial
distillers use airing stones and pump air through the
distillate to speed the process.
Back Set. What is left in your still after distillation. Referred to
As ”Dunder” when Rum has been distilled
Barm The yeast bed left in the fomenter.
Blending, The art of putting together the different collection cuts to
achieve the best final product as possible.
Birdwatchers: A sugar wash recipe for creating neutral spirits.
Boka A type of still
Conversion: Enzyme conversion of starches to fermentable sugars.
Malted Barley is the most common malted grain used.
Cuts Collection in small containers to identify the changes
from Heads, Hearts and Tails before blending.
DRY Ferment that has completed and has no sugar taste.
Dunder What is left in the still after distillation of Rum.
DWWG Death Wish wheat germ. Wash Recipe
Fients Heads and Tails not included in your final blend and
usually added to the next distilling run
Flute Scaled down commercial type plated still.
Ferment on the Grain. as opposed to sparging. (removing
liquid from converted grain starches prior to
Graham A type of condenser
Grain bill Types and ratios of grains used in a whiskey
Heads The undesirable higher alcohols to come off the
still first
Hearts The desirable middle alcohols from your run.
Hydrometer ABV Meter used for distilled spirits or or SG
Meter used in wash to determine sugar level.
Lees What is left in your fermenter after the liquid is
siphoned into still. Typically would contain spent
nutrients and barm. (yeast)
Liebig A type of condenser.
Lyne arm The horizontal arm on a pot still.
Mashing The art of cooking grain and converting
starches to fermentable sugars.
Mash Grain that has been converted and ready to be
Neutral Clear flavorless alcohol. (vodka)
Oaking Aging your liquor in oak barrels, chunks or oak
Parrot A device that holds an ABV meter allowing
alcohol strength to be monitored during
distillation collection.
Pitch Adding yeast to fermenter.
Reflux Referring to a still type or action. Reflux stills re-
distil alcohol many times before take off.
Sugar head Grain ferment that sugar has been added to
achieve a higher alcohol potential.
Sparg Removing fermentable liquid from grain after
starch conversion.
SG Specific gravity. SG meters are used to measure
sugar content in a wash to determine potential
Shot gun A type of condenser
Tails Lower alcohols and congeners that are present
at the end of a distilling run.
UJSSM Uncle Jesse Simple Sour Mash. Recipe.
Wash Your fermenting mixture.
Wort see above