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Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:50 pm
by HookLine
Phase diagram for ethanol (both Celsius and Fahrenheit versions).

Data sets for these graphs were generated with the Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium, and Temperature equations at the bottom of this page.

Due to size restrictions on HD for upload files these versions are not as big as they could be. Bigger versions are available via this page.
Ethanol Phase Diagram (ºC) - S.jpg
Ethanol Phase Diagram (ºF) - S.jpg

The red-blue line graphic could be extracted and modified slightly to give us a nice logo for the International Hobby Distillers Association, whenever it finally comes into existence. :mrgreen:
Ethanol Phase Diagram Logo.jpg

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:47 am
by NcHooch
It's surprising how high the condensing temps are , for example 50% dew point is 201F :wtf:

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:49 am
by Frosteecat
HookLine wrote: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The red-blue line graphic could be extracted and modified slightly to give us a nice logo for the International Hobby Distillers Association, whenever it finally comes into existence. :mrgreen:
Ethanol Phase Diagram Logo.jpg

I think that's already taken by the Slightly Off Center Female Anatomy Appreciation Club (SOCFAAC).

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:09 am
by heartcut
That's funny! Just spit coffee on my keyboard.

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:13 pm
by TheRevDr
Frosteecat wrote:
HookLine wrote: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The red-blue line graphic could be extracted and modified slightly to give us a nice logo for the International Hobby Distillers Association, whenever it finally comes into existence. :mrgreen:
Ethanol Phase Diagram Logo.jpg

I think that's already taken by the Slightly Off Center Female Anatomy Appreciation Club (SOCFAAC).
BEST POST OF THE DAY! Week? Month? Maybe year?

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:07 pm
Did kinda get a tickle lookin at that,,,,,Its seems quite clear now.

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:03 am
by NcHooch
Frosteecat wrote:

I think that's already taken by the Slightly Off Center Female Anatomy Appreciation Club (SOCFAAC).
I believe the S is for Severely (not slightly) :P

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:15 am
by Frosteecat
Any port in a storm my friend...
Back to the topic (sorry Hook!)...does this show just results or is it used to help control runs too?

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:30 am
by HookLine
Sheesh, get your minds above the belt line, boys. :roll: :wink:
Frosteecat wrote:does this show just results or is it used to help control runs too?
It describes the relationship (at 1 atm pressure) between the temperature, composition (% abv), and phase state of an ethanol-water solution (for vapour & liquid phases).

I am working on some extra drawings to explain how to use it. But there are already some around, and some videos too I think by Harry. Search for 'ethanol phase diagram'.

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:21 am
by HookLine
Updated versions.

Celsius and fahrenheit.

Three landscape versions of each:

1. Small .png format to suit 720 height screens (1 to 1 pixel mapping).
2. Large .png format to suit 1080 height screens (1 to 1 pixel mapping).
3. Scalable PDF format for printing, including poster size.

Bonus of a portrait version of each in scalable PDF format only, for printing, including poster size. For those who like to see life at right angles. :mrgreen:

Can the Linux and Windows folk confirm the zip file is unpacking okay in those systems. Thanks.

(Sorry, Frosteecat, have not done the instruction set yet. Next up. Should be ready for a Xmas pressie. 8) )
(1.21 MiB) Downloaded 1003 times

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:57 am
by Durace11
Everything unpacks fine in Windows

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:04 am
by rad14701
Unpacks and works fine under Linux and Windows for me... :thumbup:

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:12 pm
by HookLine
Thanks. 8)

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:24 pm
by SherrodBrown
I found a VLE diagram that was very helpful in understanding this. I don't knlw how to upload the picture yet.
Its basically the same as the above except it shows more lines and stuff and focuses on Vapour/Liquid. It might even be the wrong thread ofc. Anyway it says 18 ABV become 61 them 83, 87 and 91 for a quadrouple pot distill. If you would take hearts its mote like 18, 40,
58,70.So i was wondering. A pot still batch contains a mixture of everything and each component has its own curve..Would such a solvent affect the next ABV away from the diagram?

In any case does anyone recognize those numbers? 18 Abv Low Wines becomes 40 " average heart" ABV after first stripping run or 58(116Proof) after 2 consequtive distills??

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:37 am
by still_stirrin
SherrodBrown wrote:...does anyone recognize those numbers??
Analysis paralysis....

This chart is quite theoretical, although it does represent the physics involved. Actual numbers will vary from still to still, operator to operator, and recipe to recipe. So, YMMV.

When you’ve run your still numerous times using the same, or similar recipes, you’ll understand how your process relates to the theory and you’ll know how to compensate to get the results you’re targeting. Practice, practice, practice...

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:08 pm
by Yummyrum
SherrodBrown wrote:I found a VLE diagram that was very helpful in understanding this. I don't knlw how to upload the picture yet.
Its basically the same as the above except it shows more lines and stuff and focuses on Vapour/Liquid. It might even be the wrong thread ofc. Anyway it says 18 ABV become 61 them 83, 87 and 91 for a quadrouple pot distill. If you would take hearts its mote like 18, 40,
58,70.So i was wondering. A pot still batch contains a mixture of everything and each component has its own curve..Would such a solvent affect the next ABV away from the diagram?

In any case does anyone recognize those numbers? 18 Abv Low Wines becomes 40 " average heart" ABV after first stripping run or 58(116Proof) after 2 consequtive distills??
I think I know the graph Sherrod , with those multiple lines it clearly demonstates how the first distillation has the most effect on ABV and subsequent distillations raise the AVB but by a lesser amount . This is why we need a tall packed column to get around 20 redistillations if we want to achieve an Azeo .

But yes I agree with you that this curve is an Ethanol curve AFAIK and does not take into account other solvents present in the wash . I believe this is why the initial ABV that comes off the still is always much higher than the predicted off that chart . Once into later heads , it seems to follow better .

Also bear in mind that it is an instantanious curve ... not an average .
So if you start with 18% then that will be at the start .
By the time you are into hearts , the wash would have dropped to around say 15% so you will get the corresponding output for 15% not 18%

Re: Ethanol Phase Diagrams

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:16 pm
by Kareltje
I remember Maritimer once presented two graphs. One the normal VLE-diagram like the one above. And one that matched the %ABV of the wash with the resulting %ABV of the distillate after completely stripping in a pot still.
And I remember making such a graph myself with my own still. But that was when I had one configuration only.

Very helpfull to make such a graph, indeed. The making teaches you a lot and you hardly ever need to use it, after you made it.