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did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:35 pm
by wallyb23
the first mash i ran through was of flaked corn and malted barley. i got 110 proof out of it. thought it was due to no suger. the second witch i just finished was with corn 1 lbs corn meal, and 4 lbs sugar. it came out at 98 proof. it was a little silky/slimmy. i am running a small 3gal pot still. did i do something wrong or... please let me know. thank you.

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:58 pm
by Dnderhead
so what do you want?

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:30 pm
by wallyb23
was wondering if the corn meal should feel silky/slimmy and does it come out to be more than what i got out of it? and if anyone else had gotten something over 98proof

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:35 pm
by Dnderhead
not if converted right.
the percent you put in will determine the percent you git out..
so if you put 5-6% in you mite git 30-40% out,,,if you put the 40% in then it will be closer to 80%

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:38 pm
by Frosteecat
There are so many variables that would influence smell/touch/taste/feel/proof, etc. that it is nearly Impossible to say. Still type (post a pic), heat source and the way it was used, temperatures, SG and FG, condenser, yeast, etc etc etc.

Go to the Secret Forum Of Arcane Knowledge and read everything there then maybe ask a bit more informed question and we may be able to answer it. Good luck!

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:03 pm
by wallyb23
heat source is my stove ( with fire extiguisher in the room) cooler full of ice water and a 120 submusable pump. temp was between 185 -195. i was using turbo 48 hour yeast.

not too sure what you mean by SG and FG. i will let you know if it is explained better or i read it soon.


Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:04 pm
by Dnderhead
OG original gravaty,,,FG final gravaty,,,SG,,specific gravity
OG-FG=corrected gravaty,,,,X129=ABV (alcohol by volume

the temperature on a pot still dont mean $#!t.
but the thermometer will give you something to play with..

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:41 am
by RedTopMtn
I have the same set up except my pot is 5 gals.
The few runs I have done is I get better results
going low and slow trying to stay under 180 degrees F.

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:42 am
by Dnderhead
with a pot still your not going to git hi proof spirits.
it will be a multiple of what you put in.
how you run make some difference ,the slower you run, the spirits will be slightly higher proof.
i see your using turbo this is not a good choice for a pot still (not for anything for that mater)
a pot still is best for flavord spirits like rum/whisky/brandy and these you distill at or below 80%.

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:47 pm
by wallyb23
thank you. i am trying a new recipie now and did not use turbo. redtopmtn what are your runs coming out like?

Re: did something wrong?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:18 am
by RedTopMtn
wallyb23 wrote:thank you. i am trying a new recipie now and did not use turbo. redtopmtn what are your runs coming out like?
Well the first one I ran basically sucked, I experimented with a mash, so I blame it partly on me running to fast and the experimental mash.

Since then, I started using the tried and true Gerber Barley, have made some mistakes but lerning as I go. For example,
tossing the yeast when the mash is tooo hot, the last time I let it get down to 90 degrees F.

The best ones I have had was after the the second run I started making heads/hearts/tails cuts.
Ran 3 runs and cutting out most of the heads and then weaker tails, The end result no as much yeild but a smoother taste.
Warning, be careful, do not so shots, it will sneak up on you real quick.

Next am going to venture into wood chips and some cinnamon sticks and other things.
Learning as I go..........loving every minute of it.

Good luck!
Be safe.