checking for leaks on my first build

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checking for leaks on my first build

Post by moons »

Well the deed is done! my 12 qt ss stock pot still is built; It has a pickled brass fitting with ptfe gasket to a 12 inch long 3/4 column into a 90 and 3inch lye arm then a 45 and then to a 6 inch piece that ends up in a 10ft long 3/8 (i think) worm. So i tested for leaks only one!! and that was around the lid so i will just do a flour pasted and i should be golden!
The run was with just water, next ill add vinegar also then if all goes well sacrificial run. For this run i didnt have the worm on... just a straight piece of pipe, i was to lazy freeze the copper with water or fill it with sand so ill do it tm. But to how the run went.. the water was caramel colored at first because the flux i assume and had a little sediment but it all cleared up for the most part by the end of the run.

other info:
i used a OLD hot plate (did not cycle on and off)
ran it hot as possible, at about 45 mins i was seeing stuff coming out
water was boiling
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