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a idea....

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:42 am
by Pikluk
was watching that prohibition bootlegger movie the other night "not the stupid american "reality "tv"show" and after
i saw those old submarine still "lawless that was the movie"
i had a thought, they put the grain and sugar in the still cook it like that then add more sugar... etc.
can i do that in my electric keg?
if the grain lower then the element?
i know i wouldn't be cooking on grain for say still the mash would be boiling over/around it.

any thought?

Re: a idea....

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:40 am
by just-a-sip
running an electric rig on grain is going to burn. regardless of where the grain is in the boiler its not just going to sit there, the grain will circulate and boil around the mash as it contacts the element you will burn it.

Re: a idea....

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:08 pm
by rad14701
Pikluk wrote:they put the grain and sugar in the still cook it like that then add more sugar...
They did do that on Moonshiners and it's bullshit... You can't add sugar into your boiler and get more alcohol out without starting a new ferment...

Re: a idea....

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:30 pm
by Dnderhead
there sort of copying "the black box"..witch was used as a fermenter doing similar to UJSSM,a sugar head.
grain and all was in the boiler,this was left to ferment,,cooked off then sugar was added to ferment again.
this could be repeated 2-3 times before needing to replace the grain..this is imposable with a internal element.
it whould be hard even withe a keg or need something broad so the heat whould be spread out.

Re: a idea....

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:00 pm
by Prairiepiss
I always wondered how they emptied out those subs? And doing it the way you described Dnderhead would remove the need to empty it every run. Would also need to carry less water to fill it back up.

Re: a idea....

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:31 pm
by Dnderhead
ok so you added grain/water/sugar/yeast..leave it to ferment..then just heat and do next time you add sugar/toped up /yeast (usually saved from priviest ferment) ...let that ferment you could do this 3times? you either had a valve on bottom or a plug stick..this was to drain it out with.

(I'm still in dark)

Re: a idea....

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:51 pm
by Pikluk
the grain will circulate and boil around the mash as it contacts the element you will burn it.
if it moves around will it really burn?
unless when it touches it stuck there i don't see why it would burn,
or at first boils when it still slow it might sit on top of the element a little too long.

if it try that and it burn the taste will carry over from what i read, so i presume its scrap even if i distill it again that burnt taste will carry again?

Re: a idea....

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:13 pm
by Dnderhead
yep,you will never git it out.when distilling "on the grain" its best to have a large flat bottom so you can spread the heat out