Do Parrots Smear The Product?
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:16 pm
Well that's it really; you have a little collecting jar with fluid running up round all sides of the hygrometer. Even with careful design details doesn't the product flow through lop-sidedly to bad effect? (Talking pot still here)
I was thinking I should build one and got to working it out in my head (I would hang it from the flake stand for starters) but that left me wondering if it would cause any potential problems, given how careful I am being to told to be about other design details on the collection side.
I do realise that some people don't see the need; I can also see that to a novice (me) it would be a help to have the % continuously measured. So I'm not asking "Do I want one?" here. I'm asking if leaving it out and learning to do it the hard way will produce noticeably better results.
If you had a diverter loop so that the parrot is out of the system until you turn a tap, a lot of this might be avoided. You take a measurement then close and empty it again; should be easy enough to arrange. Then if there is any mixing that would only happen when you took a reading. But is this all getting too precious?
I was thinking I should build one and got to working it out in my head (I would hang it from the flake stand for starters) but that left me wondering if it would cause any potential problems, given how careful I am being to told to be about other design details on the collection side.
I do realise that some people don't see the need; I can also see that to a novice (me) it would be a help to have the % continuously measured. So I'm not asking "Do I want one?" here. I'm asking if leaving it out and learning to do it the hard way will produce noticeably better results.
If you had a diverter loop so that the parrot is out of the system until you turn a tap, a lot of this might be avoided. You take a measurement then close and empty it again; should be easy enough to arrange. Then if there is any mixing that would only happen when you took a reading. But is this all getting too precious?