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thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:12 pm
by vinper
Had a stroke the day before thanskiving . Damn I'm only 52 was lucky caught it quick no physical impairments ... Had some ujssm in the fermentor ran the 10 gallons last weekend .. Thank You God ... had to quit smoking which sucks I wanted to try the tabbacco i harvested this year ...

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:18 pm
by Tater
Glad ya made it. :clap: :clap: Guess that any day above ground should be considered a blessing.Regardless of age.Just seems I think about it more now that Im in my late 50ts then I did in my 20s. :)

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:24 pm
by beelah
great to have access to good medical care...I had a heart attack at 51...eight years ago and I thought I was in shape...changed a lot of things after that, but have never felt better...follow the doc's advice and quit the tobacco, take your aspirin daily and walk 2-3 miles each day...does wonders for the weight, the blood pressure and the mind...I have done a lot of good thinking and planning on my walks..glad you made it and are still stillin, no pun intended.

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:28 pm
by Prairiepiss
Glad your still with US. :thumbup:

Here recently I've had a friend that was in his mid 30s die from a heartattack another one late 30s same thing. And one mid 40s with a stroke. I think about it more and more every day. :(

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:49 pm
by vinper
Watch the blood pressure, Never saw it coming .changes your future thinking for sure

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:51 pm
by Hawk_
Wow. Makes one think. I switched from cigs to the ecig and feel way better and still get my Nic.

Glad you are still kicking with no impairments!

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:04 pm
by Uncle Jesse
Glad you are still with us!

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:19 pm
by Burks
Lucky to be alive. Even luckier to have no impairments. It pains me to take care of 30-50 year olds with debilitating strokes. They've worked so long and now have nothing because they haven't worked long enough for retirement, a good savings, etc. Pretty sad. I'd say a majority of them had no idea it was coming or could have prevented it.

Now those that were told to change their ways and didn't......well......sorry about your luck.

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:03 pm
by wv_cooker
Glad to see you made it vinper. 3 years ago I had a stroke and recovered 100% then last year March 27, went to the hospital with a heart attack. It ended up being that my aorta had dissected. Couldn't be fixed with any type surgery, at least the surgery available would have killed me too. So Tho I get to live on with caution and I thank the good lord for that I highly recommend that you keep that blood pressure in check. Over 50 everyone needs to check the blood pressure. When I was in the emergency room a young nurse was taking care of me and told me that I had something that I didn't want. He was absolutely correct and that is words that you don't ever want to here especially with your family there in front of you.

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:42 am
by Danespirit
Lucky you made it.. :thumbup:

Well my grandpa used to say: "Every day i can get out of bed not feeling one more good day."

I took this words of wisedom..

Re: thought my distilling days were over

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:31 am
by vinper
well my stroke is behind me now , have bigger issues like WV .. taking meds , diet , exercise , no smoke no drink.. doing good except on the no drink part.. Was a wakeup call ,Im told I am young enough to turn it around