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Do cuts mix with a parrot?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:00 pm
by rubicon_in_ga
Thinking about adding a parrot to my setup, but I got to wondering, would you only put it to use after you've cut the foreshots and heads? I'm just thinking everything would sortof mix up inside the parrot tube and it would make it harder to make proper cuts. Wouldn't want leftover fores mixing with my hearts, ya know?


Re: Do cuts mix with a parrot?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:44 pm
by Prairiepiss
You ate correct. Many build their mount on parrots with a fores valve. So you can collect the fores then shut the valve. You could do the same with heads. If you have a stand alone. Just place it under the takeoff after those cuts are made.

Personaly I only do it for fores.