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Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:18 am
by bencornish
Hey All,

I'm looking at making an all Corn ferment for a all Corn Scotch.
Ive malted a bunch of Corn and plan on using it fresh (undried).

What ration of malted corn to Cracked corn should i use ?
Im curious on the process from here...
Should i boil/glutanise the cracked corn and cool to mashing temp and add the malted corn ?
or should i just treat like normal malted barley ?
Also - should i grind up the malted fresh corn ?
What mashing temp does everyone suggest for Corn only ?

Do i boil at the end ?
Leave on or off the grain for the ferment ?

What SG should i be aiming for - for Corn only ??

Cheers :)

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:09 am
by Dnderhead
scotch is not made from corn,scotch is malted barley .
blended scotch is made ,then mixed after .at this time corn "neutral" can be added to "lighten" the flavor.
corn is used in bourbon (51%+) and corn whiskey (100%)Canadian whiskey?%,vodka.

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:11 pm
by bencornish
Thanks and i realize that..

I wanted to try the all corn version and just wanted some pointers on handling the corn.


Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:15 am
by Tater
I prefer a 50 /50 mix on malt corn and cracked.Weather malt is green or not.

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:04 am
by [andy]
How did you end up making an all corn whiskey? Did it turn out good?
I have tried all malted corn that I malted,dried and crushed. I let the ferment get to hot (turbo yeast) and blew the whole batch. I would like to try this again but maybe not with 100% malted corn.

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:03 pm
by bencornish
not all that great..
First batch i didn't get too much attention and looks like i might have a bug in it. So might need to toss it out.

However im not going for full/100 corn. Im using a bunch of liquid malt with it and some Sugar.

Here's the rough plan / or more to the point im trying:
2KG of Crushed Corn
2kg of Malt Corn
6KG of Sugar
2KG of Liquid Malt.

I soaked the Crushed corn over night, then boiled it for an hour to glutenise it.
Cooled - added to more water .. brought that up to Mash temp - added the Malted Corn.
(Once i Malt the corn, i stuck it through a kitchen mincer to coarsely break it up.) Not sure if this is the right way - but i suspect the whole corn needed to be broken up or milled to some degree.
Mashed in for 2 hours roughly and then added the liquid malt.
Left to cool - added Ale yeast the next day.
Couple of days later added the 6KG of Sugar after it was inverted.
60 litre batch in total.

parts of unsure of is the the mash needs to be boiled after Mash in - as Corn tents to go all bad after a few days.
I also know im not going to get alot of Sugar conversion from the Corn side - however malting corn isnt all that hard / its cheap and adds good flavor. So who knows ??
Liquid Malt is also not too badly priced.

I'm them planing on following the Uncle Jesse's method - re-use some of the old spent corn into the next mash-in etc. and go multiple generations.

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:51 pm
by NcHooch
I'd be inclined to use a 50/50 grain bill.
cook the cracked corn to until it gels ....then cool it to 150F for mashing .
Grind your green malt, and mix equal parts malt with the cracked corn .
Shoot for a target mash temp of 145 for an hour or two ....or just leave it in the mash tun until it reaches pitching temp (overnight)
ferment on the grain .
Strain the corn out of the beer after it's done .
good to go.

Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:51 am
by Boda Getta
If you still want to go for some "Scotch" taste, several brewing supply outfits sell peated malt and you may be able to find peated malt extract. It should give you a hint of that smokey Scotch favor.


Re: Malted corn and Cracked Corn

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:14 am
by W.S.C.beachman
What would be the difference in flavor between malted corn, cracked corn and flaked maize? Is their a difference in the final taste?