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texas newbie

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:27 pm
by 2l8 i drank it
Hi from tx am new not sure where to start love moonshine now i wanna make it been doing lots of research on the net an reading ebooks sounds like somthing i can do with a little time patience an safety

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:53 pm
by tturner161
Hey Im a noob from the East Piney Woods region of Texas. Good to see another noob Texan on here. What area are you from?

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:13 pm
by MitchyBourbon

Welcome to HD 218,

What kind of moonshine do you want to make? What kind of rig do you got/want?

I'm not from TEXAS! myself but I visited Comfort recently, its beautiful country.

Have fun be safe.

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:03 am
by Uncle Jemima
Native Texan as well. Born in San Antonio but mostly grew up near Temple. Been in Kansas since 17 though. Minus the years in the navy that is. Spent those mostly in Virginia and a little in Pensacola with some time in the Middle East as well.

Now the important question seeing as how we're all Texans here. Which football teams do y'all pull for. Longhorn fan myself.

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:25 pm
by 2l8 i drank it
From west texas area close to lubbock between it an amarillo

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:17 pm
by MitchyBourbon
Texas A and M, love that quarterback Manziel.

And the Vikings, almost made it to the super bowl.

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:44 pm
by claykrys
2l8 i drank it wrote:From west texas area close to lubbock between it an amarillo
Im from north of Amarillo. Spent a lot of time down in your area when I was younger. Before I was married I used to do a lot of partying down around that area. Suds and Sounds, Polk street block party, lots of nights I cant remember down in lubbock back in college but the memories I do have make me smile. Ive even partied in a little place called Cotton Center and just about every where else in that region. Lived in Hereford and Friona for a while. Lots of good people down there. Good memories of those places, to quote Toby Keith "Nights I cant remember with friends Ill never forget". Life was good back when my biggest responsibility was a truck payment and my share of the Now its a drink or two at the shop and off to bed so I wont be sluggish at work. My how things have changed. lol :egeek:

Re: texas newbie

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:14 pm
by olde sarge
East Texas, Piney woods, Big Thicket area. Glad to see all of the Texas people here. A lot of reading here and if you do your homework there is not much you can't cook up. If you have any AG beer brewing experience it will be a cinch for you so you can concentrate on building what will best suit your taste. Sounds like a simple pot still may be the place for you to start.