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Hello. I am here and I need help.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:33 pm
by Copper Tone
"You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?" - Jules Winfield

Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hello from Appalachia. Starting this new hobby and hope to do it for the next fifty years making enjoyable spirits to enjoy with friends.

I've bought a copper pot still kit. Actually according to the manufacturer who ships you the precut copper parts, it's a hybrid "column" or "fractioning still."
Using a pure copper boiiler, an all copper fractioning column without the reflux coil, and a simple efficient in-line condenser.

This will be my first still, and actually--my first metal work project ever. I hope to be up and running sometime this Spring.
I love this forum. Everyone seems very nice---even to noobs like me. It's nice to not have a snooty hierarchy who makes you feel like you ask stupid questions. I love reading almost every post on here.

Re: Hello. I am here and I need help.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:58 pm
by Richard7
Copper Tone,
Welcome to the forum, if you have never done metal work it can be a challenge, but nothing you can't learn. The main thing to look for is, keep it clean and use good flux. Oils, even the ones off your hands can deal you fits. Bad flux can make things even worse. Good clean surface and good flux can make it seem too easy! Good luck to ya and let us hear what you have going on.

Re: Hello. I am here and I need help.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:01 pm
by Bushman
Welcome I am glad you found this a positive place to be! We definitely have a lot of information posted on this forum. Sounds like you bought a claw hammer kit? Give us a holler if you have questions along the way and can't find the answer searching the forum.

Re: Hello. I am here and I need help.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:06 pm
by NcMoonLight
Welcome, Youve found the right place and learn the search options they will be your best friend lol Feel free to ask any future questions that you cant find the answers too

Re: Hello. I am here and I need help.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:49 pm
by 10Gallon
Welcome copper tone, the main advice i can give you atm is take your time putting the still together. It is not as hard as you may think as long as you keep it clean and take your time. I have found that the water soluble flux works great and is easier to clean. Good luck and have FUN with it!
Maybe once you get it built you can give a good step by step explination! Just a thought