Plastic Bucket vs Glass Carboy
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:57 pm
So something interesting happened for me yesterday. I bought a 5 gallon glass carboy so I could work on multiple projects at the same time. Well both of my plastic buckets were full and I wanted to use one of them for the beer I was gonna make. So my corn/sugar wash has been fermenting for about 5-6 days, and to be honest I didnt think it was doing anything. I never saw my airlock bubble one time while it was in the bucket. But when I opened it up, it was bubbling and havin that fizzy type action going on. The gravity was at like 1.040 - 1.035 for about 2 days. I was about to scrap it but I decided to move it into the carboy for now and see what happens....So I transfer it into the carboy and low and airlock begins to bubble. 24 hours later it is still bubbling. My first guess is maybe my bucket has the smallest leak somewhere...i mean a carboy seems to be more air tight then a bucket with a snap on lid. So what are your thoughts? Is it possible that the transfer may have gotten it going again? Its been 7 days now, so i guess at this point ill just wait till it quits bubbling and ill take a reading again. It got me excited either way. Ive got three different projects going and all three seem to be moving along.