Molassis and Sulphur

Sugar, and all about sugar washes. Where the primary ingredient is sugar, and other things are just used as nutrients.

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Red Neck City Boy
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Molassis and Sulphur

Post by Red Neck City Boy »

How do you know if the molassis you buy is sulphured or not? I recently ran a 6 gallon batch or rum and collected about 2l of 150 proof likker. The tails smelled and tasted burned. I also got a bit greedy and the likker has a bit of a burned aftertaste, but is otherwise smooooooth.

It took a long time for the wash to ferment. I'm beginning to wonder if I got sulphured molassis. The bottle does not say whether it is sulphured or not... Anyone have any thoughts?

Post by TownDrunk »

If you read the bottle or jug of molasses. It will say if its unsulfered. Like this "unsulfered molassis" Otherwise the ingredients will read "molassis" and then all those chemical names that are hard to read, let alone pronounce. Most of those are preservatives that will kill off your yeast or make off flavors.
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Post by hornedrhodent »

Do they put sulphur in the molasses or is it a result of the sugar making process? If they put it in - why?
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Post by possum »

Hornedrodent, Sulfering is done to sugarcane that is not totaly mature when harvested, and the sulfur is burnt and fumed over the stalks.

If I Recal corectly.
The Rum university has info on this, try a search for the typed lectures, Rum university link...tater posted the link.
Hey guys!!! Watch this.... OUCH!
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