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Question about saving "Backset"

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:47 pm
by Elricko
Okay say I make a batch of corn whiskey, and I don't plan to make another batch right away. You obviously loose the trub, and any residual active yeast, but can you freeze the backset and use it in the future to make a sour-mash? Or, should I mix the backset with the trub (knowing that new yeast will have to be added later) and freeze that?

Re: Question about saving "Backset"

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:01 pm
by MitchyBourbon
You can freeze backset. Freezing yeast is not a good idea as ice crystals tend to rupture the cell walls of the yeast. Trub is not desirable, discard it.

Why not just refrigerate the backset?