ferment on the grain. sg 1.02 but beer dry
Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:23 am
I guess this could have gone in 1st forum, or novice forum, but this was my 1st ferment on the grain so imma put it here.
my grain bill (AG... at least that was my plan)
4 lbs malted rye
4 lbs 6 row malted barley
2 lbs non-malted cracked barley
4 gallons water brought up to 160 strike temp. poured water into igloo cooler, added my grain, and 1 tsp gypsum. temp came down to about 150 which is what I was shooting for. stirred every 20 min or so for about 3 hrs. let it sit to cool and convert overnight. next morning too thick to check SG so screw it. it tasted sweet so I pitched my yeast. 2 packets fleishmans bakers yeast. no airlock on the igloo just left lid slightly open. had the most violent ferment I've evr seen. the grain kept rising to the top and crackling like i made a bowl too full of rice krispies. had to stir it back in many times a day. the whole mash started to overheat too! Never noticed this with my other ferments i guess cuz carboys dont insulate heat as well as igloos. temp of my mash hit 100. had no idea ferments generated that much heat. started puting ziplock ice packs in to try to cool it off. cooled it to about 85. kept swapping out ice packs for the whole day. ferment lasted about 36 hrs. all activity stopped, the grain fell my mash was cool so i proceed to strain and rack. heres the part that really stumps me. the first part was actually kinda fun navigating through all that, and watching a hyperactive ferment.
my sg was still 1.02 now that I've strained/racked I have my wash in carboy with airlock. no bubble activity on airlock. I thought maybe my yeast died becaused my mash overheated so much. so i pitched another 20 gm of distillers yeast. next day nothing. Now i know they say dont try to revive a stuck ferment by adding more sugar, and i was planning to go AG. but after repitching i was thinking there might not be any sugar in there in spite of the sg 1.02. so i dissolve 1.5 lbs of sugar in a little water and mixed it in. sg up to 1.04. 4 hrs later bubbling like crazy. I'm thinking i probably didnt even need to repitch yeast. i think all the sugar had fermented because the next day. all activity had stopped... again. and my sg was back down to 1.02... again. so anyways I'm stumped. how can all the sugar be fermented out but the sg remains 1.02? I'm gonna rack it again let it sit 2 more days and then distill it regardless of FG unless you guys suggest something better
my grain bill (AG... at least that was my plan)
4 lbs malted rye
4 lbs 6 row malted barley
2 lbs non-malted cracked barley
4 gallons water brought up to 160 strike temp. poured water into igloo cooler, added my grain, and 1 tsp gypsum. temp came down to about 150 which is what I was shooting for. stirred every 20 min or so for about 3 hrs. let it sit to cool and convert overnight. next morning too thick to check SG so screw it. it tasted sweet so I pitched my yeast. 2 packets fleishmans bakers yeast. no airlock on the igloo just left lid slightly open. had the most violent ferment I've evr seen. the grain kept rising to the top and crackling like i made a bowl too full of rice krispies. had to stir it back in many times a day. the whole mash started to overheat too! Never noticed this with my other ferments i guess cuz carboys dont insulate heat as well as igloos. temp of my mash hit 100. had no idea ferments generated that much heat. started puting ziplock ice packs in to try to cool it off. cooled it to about 85. kept swapping out ice packs for the whole day. ferment lasted about 36 hrs. all activity stopped, the grain fell my mash was cool so i proceed to strain and rack. heres the part that really stumps me. the first part was actually kinda fun navigating through all that, and watching a hyperactive ferment.
my sg was still 1.02 now that I've strained/racked I have my wash in carboy with airlock. no bubble activity on airlock. I thought maybe my yeast died becaused my mash overheated so much. so i pitched another 20 gm of distillers yeast. next day nothing. Now i know they say dont try to revive a stuck ferment by adding more sugar, and i was planning to go AG. but after repitching i was thinking there might not be any sugar in there in spite of the sg 1.02. so i dissolve 1.5 lbs of sugar in a little water and mixed it in. sg up to 1.04. 4 hrs later bubbling like crazy. I'm thinking i probably didnt even need to repitch yeast. i think all the sugar had fermented because the next day. all activity had stopped... again. and my sg was back down to 1.02... again. so anyways I'm stumped. how can all the sugar be fermented out but the sg remains 1.02? I'm gonna rack it again let it sit 2 more days and then distill it regardless of FG unless you guys suggest something better