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Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:45 am
by Raw22
First a little about me , Im from Oregon and this is my first post although I've been lurking for a year or so. I run a all copper 54" boka with a colum of 1.5" and Liebig condenser on a 15.5gal keg for a boiler fired by propane. I got into distiling because I like to make the unusual as demonstrated by this recipe.

Two of my favorite recipies are Red Elephants ( a modified Thai Terror recipe ) the original didn't have quite the shock factor I was looking for. The last is some thing I call That Pine Is Mine, its not quite ready to share yet.

The following is the recipe for Red Elephants.
The name comes from the fact that the ghost peppers used in this recipe are also used as elephant repellent, that and the fact that drinking enough of it might cause hallucinations of elephants.

Red Elephants

None ingredients:
Eye protection
1 one quart canning jar with lid and seal

1/4 cup hibiscus tea
1 quart of 65% to 70%
zest from 3 limes in thin slices, don use the white part
1 pinch of salt
1 table spoon of juice from the limes
A 1"x1" cube of ginger sliced extreamly thin.
3 Ghost peppers, cut in half legth wise. ( use gloves and eye protection )

Put the palm full of hibiscus tea in a quart canning jar and cover with the 65% to 70% until there is about 1.5 inches of empty space left.
Do not leave less than a inch or you will have a over flow during the heating step.

Put a canning lid and seal on the jar, tighten good but not overly, place jar in a small pot of water on the stove and heat the jar to 130-140 degrees. Try to keep it at that temperature range for at least 20min the longer its kept at that temperature range the reddder the final product will be.

After 20 mins unscrew the lid part way and then quickly screw it back on till tight. Place jar in frezzer until its very cold.

Remove from freezer and strain the hibiscus out and pour the liquid in to a bottle into which you can fit the rest of the ingredients, let warm to room temp. and add the lime juice.

Sweeten with honey to your taste.
Add the lime zest, the ginger slices, pinch of salt, and the 6 ghost pepper halves. ( use gloves and eye protection )

Let macerate as long as you want then cut back with distilled water to your desired proof.

Use sparingly as a fiery shot iced, or to repell crazed elephants.

For safety concerns keep double bagged in zip lock bags and handle shot glasses and bottle with gloved hands when enjoying.

Lastly please let people know what the are trying before they try it.

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 2:28 pm
by UtahViking
Interesting but doesn't sound remotely fun to drink...more like a joke you play on the one guy at the party who is being a dick

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:36 pm
by frozenthunderbolt

Ghost peppers are not something to F*** with if you dont know what you're doin' :twisted:

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 9:08 pm
by junkyard dawg

I like the recipe. I'd like to try it as I am a chilihead.

but shite man! thats gotta hurt!

Those ghost peppers are a young mans game... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 9:26 pm
by Richard7
Putting this on my to do list, I love hot stuff!

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:05 am
by frozenthunderbolt
junkyard dawg wrote: Those ghost peppers are a young mans game... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
I'm a young man and i'm not even close to game for them!

Their scovile rating is insane :wtf:

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:31 pm
by Raw22
To be honest ive never done more than a 1/8 or so of a shot, its scary stuff. Chase with a half glass of orange juice.
Since peppers are alkaline in nature acidic stuff like lime, lemon, or orange juice work well. Apple cider vinegar also should work. My 3/4 full quart jar should last well past my life time.

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:08 am
by rad14701
I would recommend incrementally adding the ghost peppers rather than going overboard from the get go... I love hot stuff but I also have a respect for what peppers at the upper end of the scoville scale can do to a person... Better safe than sorry... Sweating bullets on the toilet isn't my idea of a fun morning after... :esurprised: :oops:

Re: Red Elephants ( A modified Thai Terror Recipe )

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 7:34 am
by heartcut
During a Saturday of my miguided youth, a few of us drank bourbon and ate pickled jalepenos till the sun came up (no other food or drink was available). By that evening it felt like I'd been sodomized by a bull elephant- walking was uncomfortable for a couple days. My co-conspiritors had similar stories and walks.